Archived Dreams from 2016
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Post by bella »

Dreamt I received a phone call from an old friend, Liesl. She was asking me what she should do to get rid of all her old clothes. She has always had a lot of clothes, many of which she would buy second hand.

As she was speaking, I was picturing the house we used to both live in when we were younger. And I was saying thing like "well why don't you sell them? Have a big sale at your house. You could advertise it in the paper to the general public, in order to get more people there. But shouldn't have it inside the house, because you wouldn't want strangers coming inside the house and seeing all your personal stuff. But have it outside. The outside is perfect. [now I'm picturing the back yard]. You've got an outside toilet haven't you? And with the big yard, and the area outside the fence where everyone can park their cars [because i was picturing the road out the back of the house abutted vacant land]. Yeah it'd be perfect for having a yard sale".

As I'm saying all of this, I could picture some confusion on her face, like she didn't understand what I was talking about. And then something in me realised, I was picturing OUR old house, but that she's married now and doesn't live there anymore.


As I was pondering what this dream might mean, I decided to look up her name meaning. I was scrolling through all the google entries (none of which tell you the meaning - you actually have to click into the link), her name jumped off the page at me as LIES!

So not her name meaning at all, but that she represents lies.
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Post by Starfire »

Old clothes that no longer fit - old notions/concepts/beliefs from your youth that you are clinging to, even protecting.
A part of you wants to bring them into the light because, as lies, you know to keep them in the dark make you vulnerable
and because you don't know who to trust.

You are trying to find a "safe" way of sharing or unloading because there is no truth in them and they are distorting your self-image. They are disguising themselves as something old and comfortable (like lies we are told about ourselves that hold no place now, or perhaps ever did such as, "you are lazy" , "you'll never amount to anything", etc). Things that we "put on" but don't fit, yet because they may have been uttered by a loved one (perhaps well-intentioned, but misguided) we still keep. You have been given a new life in Christ....throw off the old and take it into the light of day.

If you find no correlation, feel free to disregard.
I've been replying a lot lately because I had some strange dreams myself and have been trying to make sense of.
Sometimes when I see other dreams, it helps me "hone" my ability to think more objectively...or perhaps I'm just on
a roll when it comes to sensing some meaning in other people's dreams, I don't know. Also, because I feel for those who have puzzling dreams and get few if any replies, (I know it's frustrating to have that happen) I want people to know they are heard and to offer even a glimmer of an idea to help them get started.
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Post by bella »

Thanks Starfire, it's been nice to see you responding so much on the board. I'm sure people appreciate it.

I will definitely ponder what you've written.

I had a strange toilet dream, and another dream with John Malkovich in it which I didn't post and they seem to relate. I'm definitely going through something intense this last week including not feeling well. I suspect it's all related????
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Post by Starfire »

Don't know much about the actor, but the bathroom concept was in this dream too. Could it (and your illness) represent something that is no longer nourishing, but is now waste product that must be disposed of as it is no longer useful?
Just a thought....
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Post by bella »

Sorry, I wasn't clear. THIS bathroom dream and the John Malkovich dream were related. Didn't have a different bathroom dream.

With respect to why I was feeling unwell, myself and some colleagues all appeared to have a virus last week. I wondered why it was the three of us that had the "virus", based on the fact that we don't sit near each other and hadn't particularly had close contact leading up to feeling unwell. All that kept coming to me was that we'd been cursed by a co-worker who is a witch. The three of us that were unwell are the three people who all see through her and have professionally not let her get away with her "stuff". We're more senior in the office and have had to "manager" her. She has now left the job, but had an aggressive outburst as she left.

I typed a heap of stuff out, which I've now deleted. As I typed all of this out, I was getting clarity and am now sure of what's been going on. I was under some sort of witchcraft attack and it was to do with the strange aggressive spirit behind witchcraft. Attacking the prophetic in me. Because my friend in the bathroom stall, though she can be aggressive and needs some character stuff to go, was quite prophetic. Very intercessory. Much like myself. Except I'm not aggressive - I'm the opposite - and have had to learn to speak up more.

And then after getting verbally attacked, out of the blue yesterday, I had a strange dream last night. It all appeared very clear and nice at first, but the final line of the dream was a doozy. As SOON as I awoke, God said to me "demonic" meaning don't take that dream on board even though it looks nice. It was a lie.

So yes, the toilet dream was a cleansing dream. As my Director said to me yesterday referring to the witch, "she is no longer our problem, bella, and they'll sort her out" [where she's going].