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house of sharks

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 7:33 pm
by allforHim
very strange dream...

i entered my childhood home on a couple steps. look to my right, the original window were there, tall and wide picture windows with smaller single hung window at the bottom. curtains drawn fully back. a young woman is sitting in corner opposite--across the way of the windows--from me. (looking from inside house outward the windows I am to the right facing the left side of windows where the woman is sitting in corner huddled holding knees). She is blacked only a silhouette. Somehow I know her. I ask what she is doing. No answer. I suddenly realize I am standing in water! What?! I look around and yes, for sure it is my childhood home, but the floor from under the front window is sloped downward as though it were a sandy steep slope giving way to the ocean. It was beautifully clear water, aqua/blue. I hear all these people splashing around. The water is warm. My little children are swimming/playing.

As I look around I still see the front window, the door, the wall which meets to corner the window where the woman is sitting hugging her knees. But the rest of the room is now wide open beach/ocean. I see a dark figure in the water...then the fin. I sense danger. I say, "what is going on here?!" The woman replies, "it's ok as long as you're super careful." No. nope. no way. I look down into the water, it's a school of sharks. They are smaller, the size of a young child, but I see the big one coming and is completely surrounded by the school of smaller sharks. I say, "it's not safe. isn't it feeding/breeding time?!" the woman replies, "if you're super careful it's fine. They are just here for the oranges which fall into the water." OK. I look around and see this towering tree seemingly pouring over the bank of the floor/beach and oranges indeed fall into the water. The sharks are indeed going after the oranges. "BUT, what happens when the oranges are gone? The sharks are biting into them and juice is in the water and we are now soaking up the juice and the sharks will attack us!" I thought too, that even my nice sweet lotion I have on may entice the sharks. I start yelling/screaming for my husband to get the kids out of the water. I yell for everyone to get out now! I look at my youngest daughter and am trying to figure out whether it's her older, adult sister or not. It's my 5 yr old, but looks like my oldest daughter at that same age, too. Didn't matter, everyone needed to get out of the danger. The shadowy woman was emotionless, yet sad. She was a spectator. I knew the sharks weren't going after her or wouldn't "bother" her.

I am then jabbed in my left side/ribs-hip area. Didn't hurt. Looked down and I see a large gray creature. its a dolphin. it is looking intently at me as if to say, hey, i'm here to help. grab on lets get out of here. I look around and the house window wall is seemingly gone yet i know it's there even though i couldn't see it and it is only the beach i see with super steep embankment. I look back at my children and see the smaller sharks are getting frenzied and really splashing a lot of water. It's very dangerous now. No one is paying attention. I don't expect my little children to understand that type of danger. But I see a school of dolphins swimming to our rescue. There is one for every person in the water. My children are safe, I knew it. I yell for them to grab onto the dolphin that comes to them. They do. The dolphin looked at me as if it were able to look back over its shoulders and as if to say, come on, let's go! I can feel its tough, but soft skin. Almost like a squishy rubbery wet mat, type of feel. I've never touched a dolphin to know what it's like...but this was so real. I barely touched its dorsal fin trying to figure out how to hold onto it. It didn't matter. It was as though i was magnetized to it. i didn't have to worry about how to hold on, or where to hold on. Just touch the dolphin and away we through the water away from the sharks and to a shallow shore to safety. My children were being gathered and brought to me, too. Everyone was being brought out of the water and not even realizing the danger they were in.

end of dream.