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Getting married

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 12:18 am
by lynadvs
I dream that I was at work. The scenery was different from my actual job, but I knew I was at work. I Remember seeing and interacting with different coworkers as I normally would. At some point in the dream I remember as I was working I became aware that I was getting married sometimes later in the year. There was no man around and I didn't see any evidence of a boyfriend, not even an engagement ring but yet I knew I was going to be married. Then I remember walking into a place, but before I entered I remember hearing that someone that I knew was being proposed to by the man who is already her husband in real life (but in this dream it was as if they were not yet married). So I knew of the proposal before I entered in this place or arena. The woman approached me and began to tell me that she was getting married. I let her know that I already knew and also informed her that I was getting married too. I did not know an exact date, I just knew it would be later in the year. Then I woke up.