Bare Feet and Work

Archived Dreams from 2016
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Bare Feet and Work

Post by karenburns2008 »

I dreamed that I was coming to a new job and the place I was waiting was like the rotunda of a capitol building. It was full of light and so bright. I was with a person who I believe was a trainer. We were just waiting and I thought to myself why aren't we beginning to work. I notice a woman in front of me who had really hawkish features and dressed very professional. When I look up she taps her watch very insistently and that was the cue that it was time to go. I was led to a room that so large. There were computers lined up for as far as I could see and rows of them. At all the computers someone was sitting. As I am walking in I am dressed very professional but I realize I am not wearing shoes. As I walk into the room, it is dark. There is no light except the light that is emanating from the computer screen. I am led to an empty chair a computer screen and am left there. I have no idea what I am suppose to do. I am listening to everyone around me and I realize that each person is handling specific calls for specific companies or products. As I am listening I am keenly aware I have no shoes and am trying to hide my feet so no one will see them. I hear someone tell me I am responsible to take calls for Nisan, but no one doesn't instruct me how to operate the equipment nor how I am to take the calls. My embarrassment at not having shoes and the fact that no one is explaining to me what I am suppose to do, I decide I am going to leave. I hurriedly walk out because I didn't want any one to see that I had no shoes. When I leave that room, I am back in the light. I get to the car and I can't find my car and then I wake up. I was wondering if anyone could help with this dream. Thank you
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Re: Bare Feet and Work

Post by Carterman »

not wearing shoes and being concious about it could mean youre feeling unprepared to do something in your work for god or maybe at the workplace. no shoes can also mean humility. the feeling u have in the dream also shows you dont feel you know what youre doing and that fits in with the shoes missing too. you feel in the dark about whats happening.

incoming calls might be a time when people are looking for answers or could be a calling you dont know how to go about performing or answering. not sure.

computers sometimes symbolise the mind and thoughts.

dont really see a full interpretation but maybe that will help. also look up the jewish month of NISSAN. it goes from March to April. maybe God is telling you this is going on in this period of time.
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Re: Bare Feet and Work

Post by karenburns2008 »

I am feeling a call to sit next 40 days aside. I just resigned my position at my church as an assistant that totally had overwhelmed me by the nature of the job. Was told we could be real but then why we were serving had to put aside our struggles and minister to others. Was not prepared for fulltime ministry and the demands placed on me. I want to serve Jesus but I am pretty sure not in that capacity. Do you think my car missing, is my search for my purpose? I took it as I have one, just have to find it.
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Re: Bare Feet and Work

Post by Carterman »

karenburns2008 wrote:I am feeling a call to sit next 40 days aside. I just resigned my position at my church as an assistant that totally had overwhelmed me by the nature of the job. Was told we could be real but then why we were serving had to put aside our struggles and minister to others. Was not prepared for fulltime ministry and the demands placed on me. I want to serve Jesus but I am pretty sure not in that capacity. Do you think my car missing, is my search for my purpose? I took it as I have one, just have to find it.
cant find the car shows u feel kind of lost. the whole dream describes what was going on from what u said happened. not sure the purpose of the dream besides God letting u know he saw. could also be a venting dream. perplexed by NISSAN. it's the seventh month on the jewish calendar. for what its worth Nissan is a cognate to the word "nissim" in Hebrew, meaning "miracles". dont know what that means for you in days ahead tho or how to apply it. I'd say just keep seeking God.