Blackout In Church

Archived Dreams from 2016
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Blackout In Church

Post by dreamer33 »


I had this dream that i was in my church. It was like a music practise. A couple of musician were there. One of them were holding a guitar. Well i told the guy on the guitar to pass the guitar to me and told him to play other instrument. All the cables were connected and the moment i strummed the guitar, there was a small electrocute on my hand and the whole church was blackout.

End of dream.

I trying to discern of what could it mean. Any insight anyone?

Thank you. God Bless.
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Re: Blackout In Church

Post by ValleyAnt »

Hi. I don't know the interpretation, but two things:

I. I noticed that you asked the guy playing the guitar to give it to you and play another instrument instead.

II. Some questions for you:

A.) Are you a regular attendant at your church? (This can affect and give 'church dreams' that are not in fact from God.)

B.) Are you a member of any worship team or music ministry in your church? (If not, then asking for a guitar is akin to inserting yourself into a position that isn't yours.)

If it's just a dream affected by your routine church interactions, then it means little to nothing. But if it's from God, I would say that it's talking about inserting yourself in a ministry or positions where God has not put you. Here are some clear Bible examples that show that God hates when a person insinuates him/herself into a position that God has not given to them:

1.) In Moses's time, God had made specific guidelines to the priests; but Aaron's sons Nadab and Abihu decided to take it on themselves to offer incense when the Lord had not commanded them to do so. When they did this, God sent fire which killed both of them at once. (Lev. 10:1-3.)

2. When Moses married an Ethiopian, Aaron and Miriam took the opportunity to murmur against him, saying that he was in sin as a leader but that they were leaders who were not in sin. God then visited them and left Miriam with leprosy, because she was the one most guilty of speaking out of turn and presuming to be fit to lead. (Num. 12.)

3.) Samuel told King Saul not to offer the sacrifice before going to war but to wait for Samuel to come, because the sacrifice was the duty of a priest or prophet. Samuel didn't come when he was supposed to and Saul was panicking due to the war, so he offered the sacrifice. Samuel then showed up and prophesied that God had rejected his family to sit as kings because Saul went over his own authority into that of a priest or prophet. (1Sam. 13:1-14.)

You may be seeking to usurp some authority somewhere or seeking to enter a ministry that you aren't called or gifted for. Even when we do such a thing with good motives or without wrong or deceptive motives, it is still sin to God, and there are always repercussions though rarely as apparent as the three I mentioned above.
"The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a delightful inheritance" (Ps. 16:6).