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garbage from dry wells

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 12:05 pm
by spiritledd
i was recording with Ola Englund then he was Dave Mustaine ...he gave me feathers that were like hair (like Janis Joplin) to match his red hair, they were same color ...but i could not play his riffs ...i thought maybe he could play mine instead ...then i was on job site, i was working, saw Byron, he was pulling nails and throwing them on ground, and Jerry was boss, he asked who did it, so i told him ...then we were picking out garbage from dry wells, and i found gloves 2x pair was green ...Mike was being lazy, boss scolded him, and me too, i was not being lazy, i was just clueless on what to do ...woke, heard... "cried a widow" and "spring damage"