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2 job interviews

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 2:58 am
by bella
I dreamt I was at a job interview with a man in a suit. He said my name and a colleague's name had been given to him by my Director. But I could also see that I had applied for a job with him in a written application.

The job was to assist a Crown lawyer named Sherman.

the interviewer said to me that he would have preferred to have chosen me over my colleague, because he liked what I had written and how I'd written it, but that my colleague had more experience. I knew in the dream, but can't remember the wording used, that he liked me more because my colleague tends to be arrogant and egotistical and I'm not. The interviewer was polite and professional but also a bit disappointed.

I became aware that if I'd gotten the job, I would have had to move to another state, to the capital city there. I processed that and was a little disappointed because I would have been happy to do that to do a project. I could have lived with my sister.

Then I find myself in another interview. This time with a woman interviewer. As she's speaking with me, I'm holding my hand over the top of a drinking glass. Without realising it, I'm moving my hand and the rings on my right ring finger and clicking on the glass. I become aware of this as she asks me to stop doing it. I look down and I have 4 thin rings on (stack rings) which all have rows of diamonds. I stop doing it and apologise, and say something like "I do that all the time".


Sherman is a surname that originated in the Anglo-Saxon language. It means a "shearer of woolen garments", being derived from the words scearra, or "shears", and mann, or "man". The name is cognate with Sharman, Shearman and Shurman.