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Locust or grasshoppers

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 5:10 am
by wordoffaith96
I dreamed I was speaking with someone and they said hey you have food in your teeth. So I look to the mirror and I notice a small piece of chicken (I know gross) but as I look again I notice something by my gum line over my front left tooth. I check and I notice as I press like some liquid droppings come out and it looks strange. About that time I look in the mirror again and its a bug crawling up my gum line. The drops that fell turned into large about 4 inch either locust or Grasshoppers brown colored. I kept trying to get the bug out and I finally did. But I noticed on the ground which was all rocks, even though i was in a house, the floor was rocks and on those rocks were several of the brown locust or grasshoppers.

Re: Locust or grasshoppers

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 2:12 pm
by bjcollin
Welcome to the board,

Thank you for the email on this dream to the admins. I feel that this dream represents some teaching in your life that your feeding on that does not line up with God's Word and is really devouring in nature and is not as nourishing as it should be. The lack of floor in the dream to me says that there is no solid foundation in this teaching and that it is not building with a solid foundation. The mirror represents self-reflection about this issue, which is what will help you realize this. Hope this helps.

in Christ,