Golden oil and silver

Archived Dreams from 2016
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Golden oil and silver

Post by bella »

I dreamt I was with some church people. I think we were in a church hall or church but there was a house or number of units on the same grounds. Someone told me to go to a house/unit and I went there, not expecting anyone to live there. But there were people living there. I was little embarrassed at just walking into someone else's house, but they were gracious and welcomed me.

At some point I became aware my hands were sweaty. That's what I thought but then I realised they were oily. Then I realised the oil was flowing out of my hands. Everyone started to get excited as we all realised that oil was pouring out of my hands. They wanted me to lay hands on people. The oil was flowing out and dripping off and it was a consistency about half way between an essential oil and a carrier oil. So not thick. Quite fine and smelled nice. And with a golden hue.

Then someone commented you could see sparkles in it. They thought it was gold or silver but I looked and said no it's like i've picked something silver up and the metallic stuff has stuck to my hands. Then I could see silver stickers. They looked like little product numbers on silver stickers, stuck to my hands. Off things I'd picked up.

I started peeling the little rectangular shaped stickers with numbers on them, off my hands.

So the oil was a miraculous God thing, but the people saw something natural and thought it was God but it wasn't.

Last edited by bella on Fri Aug 05, 2016 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Golden oil and silver

Post by PastorJKG »

There is potential for an increasing anointing for miracles, but we often deal with carnal (natural minded people) who put supernatural things into the framework of their natural thinking. The more we use the anointing, the more it will flow. The hands speak of work. The ministry of laying on of hands consists of healing, imparting, and calling. Don't allow carnal minded thoughts to hinder your gift. Thoughts from others or within yourself. I sense you are strong on understanding this but still need to guard against pride and selfish ambition. We all do.

Hope this helps
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Re: Golden oil and silver

Post by bella »

Thanks for responding.