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Lying on Mattress on Ground

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:37 pm
by chrisy
My sister had a dream and there is something curious in the dream - on two occasions she saw a mattress on the ground. In the first scene of the dream she and an ex-friend were on a mattress that was on the ground on the street where we grew up. In another scene of the same dream, the ex-friend was sitting on a mattress that was on the floor in his apartment.

Any ideas as to the meaning of the mattress being on the ground, anyone?
I am wondering why she saw a mattress and not a bed.

Thank you,

Re: Lying on Mattress on Ground

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 8:57 am
by PastorJKG
Who was the ex-friend? this may be key to the interp. Ex-boyfriend, someone she willfully separated herself from, or someone she knew but is no longer in contact with. Was there intimacy involved or just sitting? I ask because what's taking place on the mattress seems to be the key thing.

Re: Lying on Mattress on Ground

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2016 3:47 pm
by RevK
Hi! :) (Slightly different version of your dream-if it isn't appropo, just toss)..
This dream of the mattress is similar to one I had many years ago, while still married.. (not anymore) We had a rough marriage. One night I had a dream of two mattresses, both on the ground. One was white and clean, ready to use, the other was full of worms/maggots. My husband was told to choose between the two, he choose the one with maggots. He wasn't living a sinless life at the time, although in church and preaching. He continued in his sin, eventually leaving the ministry and me. I take it he was comfortable in the 'bed/mattress (life/choices/decisions) that he made'..
Psalm 139:8 'If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there'. (Wherever I have made my thoughts comfortable, sin or righteousness, GOD is still there)..
Job 7:13'When I say, My bed shall comfort me, my couch shall ease my complaints'; (Ease my complaints, where one is most comfortable in his/her thoughts).
John 5:8 Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. ( could mean get rid of issues, give them to me (Jesus) and walk in the spirit).
'Made your bed and lie in it definition': You made a decision and now must accept its consequences. Note : This expression is commonly used as a response to people who have been complaining about problems they have brought on themselves. * Said to someone who must accept the unpleasant results of something they have done. *Cambridge Dictionary
While it is hard to give an interp because you didn't state if anything was going on, in my opinion what you saw was symbolic. A mattress/bed is supposed to be a place of comfort/rest. Or could even represent a place in one's mind. Which These are just my thoughts, I hope I made them clear enough..
Blessings :)

Re: Lying on Mattress on Ground

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 12:30 am
by chrisy
Thanks to the both of you for your response. It's greatly appreciated.

God is truly awesome!!! Praise be to His Holy Name!!!

Just before I made this post seeking assistance, I was speaking to my sister and we both were trying to understand what the mattress on the ground/floor in her dream meant. I told her that I will inquire on this website. I hung up the phone, came and posted my inquiry. She was at work and very soon after hanging up the phone, someone in another department called her to follow-up on something. The woman then told her about her son who placed his mattress on the floor to sleep at night and further told her why he did it. Wonder of wonders!!! The reason given fits perfectly with the other details of the dream!!!! Isn't the Creator awesome???!!!!

All praise and glory to the ONE and ONLY Creator - God Almighty!!!

Thank you both again for your response!
