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Chris and the light bulbs

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:21 am
by bella
I feel this dream is significant. Even though it could have implications for all, I believe it is specifically for me.

I was on a bus. I hopped off at a particular suburb at the shops, at the top of the hill [Bdn]. I could see through the open back door of the bus that I'd left my blue bathroom bag on the floor under the seat. My sister was still on the bus and I knew the door was going to close so I called out to my sister to grab my bag before she got off, but she couldn't hear me. She sometimes goes into her own world and that's what she was doing. Because my sister couldn't hear me, another lady nearby grabbed my bathroom bag and handed it to me. I thanked her, then started down the street.

I was at the top of Jubilee Rd and a superintendent named Chris approached me. I just knew/understood some of this in the dream without words but he told me that a major event was going to happen, but he had insider information, but the public didn't know about it yet. I was thinking war or some sort of attack. Then he gave me two light bulbs. One was a pop in and the other a screw in bulb. Chris told me I had to go to the hardware and buy many of them in preparation for this major event because once the public knew about it there would be a rush on them and I may not be able to get any.

Chris and I start running down Jubilee Road towards the hardware. We got right towards the other end just over the bridge and Chris tells me to jump the guard rail to get out of sight of the cars because he recognised someone in the car. He said their title which I forgot pretty soon after waking. It was a strange title and in the dream I thought that job was something other than what Chris said it was but it was basically a government position that wasn't talked about much publicly but had a lot of power/authority in government (like a controller/comptroller general). We hid behind the metal guardrail until the traffic moved away and that man was gone.

I still had to go a few suburbs to get to the hardware I had in mind but it didn't seem to matter in the dream.