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Getting a job at school

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 5:58 am
by BlueDreamer
Please, if anyone has insight on this, it's desperately needed. I have a little bit of an idea but i've never had a dream where i was looking for a job at a school.

I had a dream that my friend (David) was working at a school and was wearing a forest green button up shirt and khaki pants. I had his mom take me to the school so I could find a job. I went to talk to hr and I was waiting in line to talk to them when I saw David. I rolled my chair over to him and said hi. I had looked at his computer from behind him and saw that he was talking to a girl name Kristen Jones a lot on Facebook. It seemed he worked with her but she was not at work. I said can you tell me where hr is and he said I cannot. There aren't jobs really here. I said David are you trying to tell me what I can and cannot do? And he said no. And I said I think you are. He smiled and he had braces on. The top teeth had blue and orange and the bottom had green and yellow. I thought is that why he left the house early this morning? To get braces? I thought it was strange because he has nice teeth anyway. I turn around and there was a guy sitting there and he said hi I'm the boyfriend, and his name and I said um hi boyfriend and I turned to David and I said fine. I got up, walked over to the door to leave and see another desk. I ask the girl there to call hr or give me the number and she says oh they're right there. She points at the door behind her and she says when it opens your can go in. Someone walked out and a lady inside said can I help you and I say down and she said 2 forms of introduction. I said she. My name is (first and last name) and I'm looking for a job at this school or in the school district. I had a couple questions about the school and the school board. She said sure. I noticed the chair I sat on was a fleshy pink color.