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Bitten by a cobra

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:29 am
by bella
I dreamt I was up the street i live on.

I was on the actual road and I think I then went to someone's front door, or at least in their front yard. A cobra snake bit me on the forearm, and i think it was the right forearm.

I wasn't afraid of dying, but I remember it was VERY painful. Someone helped me clean up the wound but I could still see the fang marks. It didn't make me sick, it just hurt a lot and left a mark.

Then my father was there and I could see the cobra or other cobras in the grass and I was calling out to people to be careful and saying where I saw the cobra.

I think my father caught the cobra that bit me and he picked up up, but instead of being a cobra it was now a skinny snake with a small/narrow head (also venomous).

In the dream, my attention was drawn to the "hood" part of the cobra. I think that's what you call it. We don't have cobras here.

Re: Bitten by a cobra

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:17 pm
by bjcollin
cobra's in my past dreams have represented enemy spirits of control

Re: Bitten by a cobra

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:59 am
by bella
Thank you. I suspect it's something to do with a person at work. She is very hurtful with her behaviour.

One of those people often in conflict with others but it's always everyone else's fault.


Just before I left work, she approached me and said something really inappropriate. God gave me a strong sense that I get when He's letting me know all is OK and I haven't done anything wrong.

I followed up with another coworker to clarify some things and found out that there's a lot going on in the background. I've been told that they're planning to move this staff member on (again) because she's so difficult.

Re: Bitten by a cobra

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 11:32 am
by PastorJKG
That seems to be it. the dream was telling you what was about to happen so you wouldn't get caught off guard by the coworkers behavior. It was an attack meant to bring you great harm but God delivered you through a dream. Abba is so awesome. BJCollin's point about cobras representing control was something I hadn't connected with yet but gives me understanding of a cobra dream I had. One of the reason they seem so controlling might be that they are so overwhelmingly distracting. They dominate your attention with their shenanigans. Doesn't leave any mental energy to focus on other things.
So this was a warning dream.


Re: Bitten by a cobra

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 4:09 pm
by bella
Yes, attention seeking is one of her "things".

A previous manager of hers told me she thought the person had histrionic personality disorder. At the time, I thought she was wrong, but I've noticed a pattern where if someone else gets attention of a manager, this girl creates a drama or gets very loud about something until the attention is focussed back on her. Hence, i think, in my dream, my attention being drawn to the cobra hood.