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striking it rich goldmining

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 3:17 pm
by spiritledd
saw Levi, in a red rock cave, and i was talking about playing Black Veil Brides style music (not lyrically, just musically) so he did not want to play with me ...and then he went out of the opening of the cave, and put my guitar (Flying V) on the edge of a cliff, balancing it on edge ...i said... hey, knock it off, its going to fall ...then saw a gathering at a bar ...there was an issue to vote on, and John Shaffer was giving away golden cans of Miller High Life beer out to sway folks the kids too, which i thought... wow, thats messed up ...then Andi and Derek got on stage to sway folks too ...funny thing is, i was on opposite side (non-beer side) of issue than them ...i would have thought we would have been on same side, since they are Christians ...then their side won, and i saw a scuffle out side, and a cop shooting at a cop ...we were walking back home on path next to river in sand ...i was next to them, and Andi got embarrassed, and dropped back, but not Derek, he continued on, next to me, picking up the pace as i did, i looked back and Andi's face was red, and she covered her face with her hands since she was uncomfortable, i ran ahead, but then so did Derek, but i out ran him easily ...i went to my moms, and i saw she had moved, i heard Holy Spirit say... Auburn ...then i saw pit being dug up and saw gold ...i found three good sized rocks of pure gold ...then i found barrel of stuff for digging gold ...also in the barrel, i found a blue netted rubber sock sack of gold powder ...and a gun with expended shell, and i looked down the barrel and said... its still shiny, and in it i found old seat that had sharp point to stick in the ground ...then i had big 4x4 ...i saw all my stuff laid in a a long pit, like grave ...i saw these fresh wooden bats, like table legs, that were made on a lathe, with white netting on them like socks ...i was gathering my stuff up, to put in my rig, and saw stepdad, and was telling him about striking it rich, thinking maybe he will respect me now