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My Husband's Spirit

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:31 pm
by osutina
Hello All: I had a dream where I was at my home and a man in a truck came to my house and said he was there to fix the water. I told him my husband was not home (I knew in my spirit he was looking for my husband). The man then said, "I'll come back later". He came back later and said "I'm here to fix the water". I told him my husband still was not home and he said he'd be back later. I came outside and looked down the street and seen my husband walking. I knew there was a negative spirit attached to him. I called out to him but he would not turn around or answer me. I started walking toward him. As I was walking/running toward him I yelled at the spirit saying "when I catch you I'm going to bind you up and send you back to the pits of hell where you belong". By the time we got to the end of the street, he walked in the yard of a little girl. He began to kiss the little girl and then her mother came out the house and began to beat up on my husband. I knew my husband was going to kiss the girl prior to kissing her. I tried to get the mother to leave him alone because I knew it wasn't my husband but the spirit. The mother and daughter went into the house and I told the spirit "when I touch you I'm going to bind you up and send you back to the pits of hell where you belong". My husband/spirit then jumped into a tree. I kept yelling at the demon saying "when I catch you, I'm going to bind you up and send you back to the pits of hell where you belong". My husband/spirit then jumped to another tree and went out of sight. I went home and my 5 year old son was sitting in a bathtub in the house. He looked sad, I cleaned him up then woke another dream trying to call my sister-in-law 3 times to tell her about the dream but couldn't because there was some type of confusion. I finally woke up!

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us..." Galatians 3:13 :D