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A Dream

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:20 am
by ValleyAnt
Hi, everyone. I haven't been here in almost a year and somehow was led back (it seemed it was the Lord) as I was wondering about a dream I had early this morning (3/9/17). I will paste the dream here as I sent it to a friend as well as a minister I know on facebook; then I will paste what the minister replied to me on facebook:

The Dream

"I was standing with a younger man in an open space indoors; he was looking to connect me with the help I needed. He was maybe around 25-27 years old. He was maybe 3 inches taller than me, had casual clothes and glasses on, and was slight (slightly skinny) with dark brown hair and preppy clothes. His eyes sort of stood out; they were dark brown, like his hair, and sincere (he had nothing to hide at all, no deceptive or ill intentions). He was trying to help me get work so I could have money in my bank account. When he checked it on his card and by phone, his own bank account had $129,000+ in it (he was checking it on the phone on speaker and I heard the lady on the other end tell him his balance). I was surprised as he didn't look like he had so much money, and I was a little puzzled that he didn't just give me some of his money and rather was making calls to find me odd jobs here and there. (He wasn't a business owner or someone investing his money into something. The money in his account was all his, like money in one's wallet is theirs and not for house or car payments or some special occasion. It was all his own money.) He wasn't trying to get me off his hands but was to connect me with others and trying to help me to get overall established in life, to get me 'built up' (he sort of reminded me of a construction contractor though he didn't look the part-- like the guy who points oversees the construction), but he was particularly at that moment trying to help me get money into my own bank account by getting some kind of work. He called several people and also had several friends of his who might have work for me.

We got lunch at a chicken sandwich restaurant or rather a restaurant with different chicken sandwiches laid out on a table and I had the chicken cordon bleu sandwich and a soda (was it Arby's, because Arby's has that sandwich). There were also a few others there who came in to eat; they were all in business suits. Some were ladies there on break from their workplaces or were employees of the restaurant taking a break to eat (from a company meeting they were having?) and one of them was the manager of somewhere (he was the manager of another business but was there on lunch break or was himself the owner of that chain of restaurants but not the general manager of there and was just there to eat). They all came to eat at the same time. I and the young man went and sat with this manager/owner who had invited us to sit with him. We didn't seem to talk much to him but three young man kept talking to me about plans to get be ESTABLISHED (that's the word). After we ate lunch and were on our way out of the restaurant, we were still talking and there was a poster for on a wall to our left. The young man told me to check (here, he was referring to my family and the spiritual issues there, but this part of the dream isn't very clear)... I told him I'd checked that site 'two or three times' in the past but that it couldn't find my ancestry/family name. He was a little surprised/puzzled that I hadn't been able to find my family line on this site and pondered this deeply as we headed out. Then the dream ended."

The Minister's Response

"Very interesting. I have another friend on Facebook who sent me a message this morning asking about something she heard in the court of heavn. She appeared there and all the judge said was the word ESTABLISHED. I wonder if there isn't something in your geneology that the enemy is using against you, but that the judge wants dealt with so he can establish your rightful inheritance."

I and my friend are praying for the meaning of the dream to be revealed. I would appreciate any insight anyone here may have. Thanks.