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Hanging keys

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:55 am
by Victorious
I was at my grandparents house, which is a frequently recurring place in my dreams and where I usually "live" in my dreams, if not my own house. (It used to be dark, scary, and cluttered, but following healing and deliverance, it's gradually become light and clean.) My teenage daughter walked in the door with the boy from church youth group that she is becoming close to. Simultaneously, they hugged and she admitted she loved him, while I walked out the other door onto the porch and hung the keys, then decided that was a bad location. I saw my daughter and her boyfriend walk back to my grandparents bedroom. I decided they were ok as long as they kept the door open. I didn't know where to hang the keys and it bothered me. It also bothered me that I was too busy with the keys to be there when my daughter came in. When I woke up, I was especially wondering about my grandparents bedroom.

Re: Hanging keys

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 3:08 pm
by BlueDreamer

It seems you are unsure how to handle the situation with your daughter and her new friend. Your grandparents room tells of how your daughters relationship will be. Similar to your grandparents.

Take your keys (authority as a mother) and tell them your rules for the relationship. Don't get hung up on where your authority should be placed (dont get distracted) when your daughter shares more on the relationship.

Hugging is symbolic of a bond or commitment.