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a conversation with the devil

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 11:32 am
by sigmon2
hi, been a while. had dreams and visions. I have applied them where needed but just not stated them out loud. should be more connected but not. anyway had one this morning which was unique to say the least. here it goes.
was having a dream, then I was driving in a car going home I think. I was driving from the back seat. people were in the way and I was doing my best to not run anyone over. I actually almost did one chap but he walked away. then the scene changed to me in the front seat on passenger side and someone else driving with a person in between us. we were going down the road and I was looking out at people as we went along slowly. my arm was over the female in the middle. I then noticed I was naked. I tried to keep myself covered but every time I tried to bring my arm down I could not, I looked up and my elbow would not come over the person. I tried several times, it would not budge. then I noticed there was a Vietnamese man in a suit holding my elbow and would not let go. he was sitting between the woman and the driver. now I was concerned about being naked and kept trying to cover myself but to no avail, just not enough blanket for all. they had clothes I did not.
then I noticed a strange event out the window. it was like the window was open. I saw a field full of scenes. but at the window was an old woman with black hairy knuckles. she was old and wore a frumpy dress. as soon as she started talking I zoomed in and knew who she was. she ended up under a table, and I remembered a preacher I like talking about rebuking the devil, so I did it. In the Name of Jesus I said, but to no effect, apparently I was too weak but not weak enough for the devil to give me troubles. she started talking to me. complaining really which was strange in itself. another being showed up, one of hers I thinks and stood there to the left side. She was complaining of God's way of getting the message out, people to people. I said that is how he wants it done, it will be done that way or something like that. she was not happy. I noticed now that things that were far were not close. I saw a native walking ceremony circle or other type ceremony. it had a pole in the middle and well worn circle paths around the pole going out. I start natives using the paths. one woman was killed is all I can think and the put in a hole I guess in the circle, the she came back to life. a guy shot her with a gun i believe. then i saw other scenes in this very large field that spread out from left to right. people were in each scene and it was like a distraction a person could get lost in. i had a short conversation more then it ended. i was awake in the dream when it became a vision, cause i kept asking myself is this really real? I knew of my surrounding but inside where i was kept going. she looked at me. with her long crooked finger nails. to be funny i thought i could make some money if i could match those nails on a back scratching stick. then i knew it was a message but what kind. i cannot remember every word now i should have wrote it earlier but it was hard then too.
but it seemed to be important for me to get the idea that i needed to pay attention.
well thanks for reading

Re: a conversation with the devil

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2017 4:52 pm
by bjcollin

Good to see you posting again. Great dream. Yes pay attention, and then put on your armor and strengthen your inner man to protect against these attacks. Ref Eph 6:10-20. I feel that the lady with the black hairy knuckles and crooked fingernails/claws is not the devil, but she definitely is one of the devil's chief spirits. I am thinking the old spirit of rebellion/witchcraft possibly that has been unleashed again in this world today. Her claws and knuckles are used for beating people up. don't be distracted by the false scenes being displayed, focus in on what is really there in the spirit realm and what is behind it all.

Hope this helps some on the dream/vision.