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synagogue built across from my church

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 5:42 pm
by Joshua116
i wasn't thinking about anything Jewish when i went to bed but...

in my dream last night, a Jewish synagogue was almost finished being built across from the Church I attend

i was curious and walked inside and came across the family that would be leading the activity there

i was the only non-Jew

they didn't try to kick me off the property or anything but they all seemed annoyed, not necessarily at me, but stressed out

the daughter of the family and i started to talk and she had an abrasive personality, nothing too serious, i even laughed about it at one point

then all of a sudden a class started was starting to be held there

it was similar to Gentile Church but I also felt a distinct difference

i know beliefs about Jesus/Yeshua came up and i felt strongly about telling them what i believed

Re: synagogue built across from my church

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 2:04 pm
by psalm23
Hi Joshua, maybe the Lord is preparing you for evangelism in the future to the Jewish Community. God Bless :)

Re: synagogue built across from my church

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:24 pm
by Joshua116

hypothetically, if this dream is about that, is GOD going to bring Jewish people into my life without any effort of my own or do I have to choose to make some kind of effort towards this?

maybe someone can answer