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***update 2nd dream in the same night**

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 12:17 pm
by kbasmommy
Ok I can’t remember the last time this has happened After posting the last dream I woke up and it was 2:22 am. When I was 8 I was homeless and I heard a loud voice say “The number is 222” we finally got an apt and that was the apt # so that number has always been special to me. I went back to sleep and had a 2nd dream.

My dream:

I received a package from the girl who my husband was cheating on me with. I walked to a park and opened the package. She sent me letters of encouragement as well as the story of how she met my husband in case he tried to lie to me. She also sent me a voice recording of her voice telling me she’s sorry and she really likes me and hopes we can be friends. So I called her and told her about the dream I had and how when I woke up the clock said 2:22. She said that meant God is with you. She said the rings on the ground symbolized a separation. She said God has always been with you and He will be with you. Put him first. I felt a powerful presence and knew God was with me but I was afraid of the presence. Also it was dusk.

End of dream

please share your thoughts!

The thing is in the past I saw him with someone else in my dreams. I’ve been dreaming a lot about death. Do you think this could be symbolizing death? Not just the death of the marriage? I say that because the pattern has been if someone very close to me will pass I don’t receive the literal dreams, it’s usually showing a loss with symbolism so that I feel the grief but not as much. Hope that makes sense.