Highway of Holiness

Archived Dreams from 2017
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Highway of Holiness

Post by claudiau »

In my dream, my husband and I were walking or being lead down this newly paved road and I heard a voice saying that on either side of the road was holiness and the other side is righteousness with the new pavement in the middle, as we continued to walk I saw what looked like a junk yard or old 1940's or 50's trucks gutted out with no doors and they were arranged in a half circle and people that were dressed like they did in the 1950's were coming and sitting in the trucks and they were rejoicing and praising God. Then I turned to look at this building that was empty and very
old with a big sign saying, The highway of Holiness on the building. Then I awakened. I know Isaiah 35:8-10 speaks of the Highway and the way of Holiness, which God require of his people. Does anyone else have anymore insight about this? especially about the old trucks and building.
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Re: Highway of Holiness

Post by PastorJKG »

There is a large portion of the "Holiness" movement that base holiness and righteousness on works and adherence to a list of do's and don'ts. In the 40's and 50's these ideas hijacked the Spirit filled church and wrecked our purpose by drawing us into gross legalism. Many still cling adamantly to these beliefs. Holiness isn't what you wear or were you go or do not go or who you fellowship with. Holiness is the direct result of the indwelling Spirit of Christ in the life of the believer. The stripped down and wrecked vehicles bear out the destructive power of this error. Salvation will cause us to change and do different things, but the behavior isn't holiness, it is the result of holiness. We are made the righteousness of God in Christ. 2 Cor. 5:21. Many have turned the idea of holiness into a system of hierarchy and social status therefore alienating the masses who need salvation and the work of the Holy Spirit.

Hope this helps
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Re: Highway of Holiness

Post by Starfire »

*VERY Interesting* reply PastorJKG. Lots of "meat" in that response.