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Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 5:06 am
by rarara
I had a dream.

I seemed to be in my home because Al Jona and Grace were around. ( my family )
I had a baby who was in a cot lying on his back. He seemed around 6 to 8 months and had something blue on. I kept noticing the baby and looking at him and checking in on him but in the dream at the beginning I never picked him up.

It started to worry me and so I went into the room and picked him up but I knew that we did not have a natural bond. He did not feel like my own baby but here he was in my house. He seemed quite happy and content but a little placid.

When I held him up I noticed that he was not formed right. He was flat from his back to his front. He also as a result had really broad shoulders. He was not as thin as a plate but maybe only 2 inches thick! It freaked me out a bit and I said oh no! this is my fault for not picking him up, he has just lain down in his cot and somehow it has deformed him!

I took him through to the living room where Al Jona and Grace were watching TV. I told them about the baby and Jona, although I can’t recall the exact words, said it was all my fault.

I laid him down on the couch with cushions and a book. I walked out of the living room. When I came back he was looking like a normal baby in every way. Sitting up and “reading”/looking. I woke up.

Re: Baby.

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2018 3:14 am
by male4christ
I believe its a positive dream-

Something you may have been ignored is returning to you so God can resurrect it in your life.
This thing may have been in your past and what you thought was the future but God says no watch me birth something new in your life that will have a better future. let me give life where you thought there was no hope or was your fault. Let me give you revelation through reading my Word which will give you peace and new life for the church.

Keep it in prayer.

Re: Baby.

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 4:45 pm
by PastorJKG
Perhaps you didn't feel a natural bond because it's not a natural relationship. It is supernatural. It feels like it's not your baby because it is of heavenly origin. But it is yours non the less. It isn't natural but of the spirit. The shape of it is based on your revelational understanding of it. When you truly "take it up" you will then begin to see it for what it really is. Piggie backing the previous post.

Hope this helps

Re: Baby.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 9:49 am
by rarara
Thank you male4christ and PastorJKG. Both responses have really encouraged me and make a lot of sense too with regard to my life at the moment. I was meant to read it today too. His timing is perfect. Thank you again. I haven't worked it all out yet but these words have given me Peace.

God bless,
