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Found on road

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 10:23 pm
by barny
I have been practicing Buddhism for thirteen years. As I progressed along the Buddhist path I began to get into the more esoteric aspect of it. I began to practice more advanced Vipassana meditation techniques and started using chants and slogans. Also, I started reading tantric text.

At this point things started to really go wrong. I mean REALLY wrong. I had started to have horrific dreams. 

For many, many months I started to have dreams of being watched. The dream atmosphere in these early dreams seemed to be imbued with malice, negativity and a general sense of dread. After some time I could see what was watching me but only at a distance. I really could not make out any sense of form, it just seemed like a localized phenomenon of darkness ever watching. Plotting, like they were studying the prey. Then as time passed, there was movement and that movement was in my direction. Not only was I being watched I was now being chased. Finally they caught up with me and once caught and surrounded they confronted me psychologically. I just remember they would cast negative thoughts and emotions on me. I would become very confused, disoriented and very fearful. It was affecting my waking life as well. As the months went by these attacks would increase in duration, proximity and effectiveness. Then only after a short period of time the entities would coalesce and localize physically and assault me, where they touched me I would not be able to move that part of my body until I became totally immobilized.
All of this came to a head on October 22nd 2018, in a dream I found myself riding a bicycle down a residential road at night. Three ultra-black, featureless entities physically assaulted me relentlessly. The attack was so vicious, thought out and produced for maximum damage. At what seemed the climax of the attack three “people” came upon me. A man in white with a man on each side. The men on each side came from around and stood beside me facing the direction of the assailants. The three ultra-black entities retreated, I felt their dark presence no more. I finally succumbed to my injuries, fatigue and utter exhaustion. I fell to the ground. The man in white picked me up and set me down in a yard. He held me as I lay on the grass. He started to touch the worst of the wounds. His touch had so much healing. I just felt this all encompassing love, so much love. So much compassion. So much warmth. I just melted into his lap and the strangest thing happened. I just started to laugh. At first he seemed puzzled by this but then he started to laugh as well. It was so human. 
Then I woke up. 

The next night I asked him to come back, as he arrived and held out his hand I put my hand into his and he took off my Buddhist bracelets.

That night I got down on my knees and asked for Jesus Christ to enter into my heart and life. 
In one night all of my fears about my life, my existence and my purpose had been answered. Versus the thirteen  years I spent through the looking glass and in a rabbit hole of my own making.  "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.” Colossians 2:8

In one night Jesus Christ entered my heart and with Him there I have found completion not lack. My identity is now with Christ. At the root of Buddhism there is nothing. With Jesus I’m full. With Jesus in my life I’m a new creation and all things are possible. Jesus in me is victorious, faithful, joyful, loving and powerful. Now I’m those characteristics. My life is transformed and through that transformation my mind has been renewed. Jesus is the ultimate dialectal agent in my life. I have accepted Jesus’s invitation to have a personal relationship with him. He has changed my grief into forgiveness. He has changed my anxiety to peace. He has changed my anger into joy. He has changed my thought life. He has parted in me a peace I have never known. Now, I live to glorify God through his Son Jesus Christ.

Thank you so much for reading your friend in Christ

“God makes unmistakeable promises to guide us. But to hear that guidance, our motives must be pure and our will surrendered. After gathering information for the mind, we must prayerfully await God’s unfolding of events.”
F.B. Meyer

Re: Found on road

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 4:17 pm
by PastorJKG
Awesome and powerful testimony. I have been hearing about Muslims seeing the Man in White and being converted. I was just praying last evening that more of them would meet the Man in White. May I share this testimony with others?

Re: Found on road

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 6:44 pm
by barny
Hello PastorJKG,
Thank you so very much for replying to my post. I can only be so grateful, for this site and for people like yourself sharing your thoughts with me.

Yes, of course you can share my story with others. I only hope and pray, that my story may help others. For I feel a tremendous sense of guilt because in the thirteen years as a Buddhist I brought many people to Buddhism. Many of them were my deepest friends and my girl friend. I dread the thought that so many may potentially have the same experience that I had. I can only pray and ask for God’s forgiveness and guidance.

Thank you for sharing the information that some Muslims are experiencing what I did. I can only praise God for his mighty work and pray in his continued efforts to move in peoples lives. I can only pray that others find the same peace that I have found through Jesus Christ.

“If you cry out for discernment
And invoke understanding,
If you seek for her as for silver
And dig for her as for buried treasures,
Then you will understand the fear of the Lord
And attain to knowledge of God.”
Prov 2:3-5