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Walking on Dark Water

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2020 3:57 am
by HisOwn
I was driving a car and my twin sister and older sister were with me.
We were driving to a hotel.
I brought us to the wrong address "59_" (I don't remember the last digit")
I look at a print out of the address and see that we should be at "292".
I park the car and we decide to walk there.
As we are walking, I look down and notice that we are walking on the ocean that is covered by a net.
The water was dark. I couldn't see through it.
I look over to the right and quickly go in the direction that I thought we came from but then I begin to drop into the ocean.
I am not scared and neither are my sisters.
I hear my twin say in a calm voice "I can't lose my sister"
I then grab onto the net and begin walking up the net until I reach my sisters.
We are all standing on the ocean.
We look to the left where we can see land and start walking towards it.

Thank you for your insight. God bless

Re: Walking on Dark Water

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 3:07 pm
by PastorJKG
It could be saying there are confusing and dark times of transition coming, but God will give you perfect peace and bring you through it.

For your prayerful consideration

Re: Walking on Dark Water

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 10:31 pm
by HisOwn
I certainly am experiencing this. Thank you for your insight. Amen