put 2 edge into water

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
Flying Eagle
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put 2 edge into water

Post by Flying Eagle »


Jan 11, 2020
around 3 am God spoke His words "Put 2 edge into water" through my tongue over and over again that got me attention and
I woke up and wrote it down and return to bed and asked Him what it means , again God spoke his words over and over again .

Later today i realized that I missed dream before God put his words in my mouth I remember that I caught the dream but it slipped from my mind.

please i need your help what is the sentence means PUT 2 EDGE INTO WATER
Thank you
I myself deaf and i am trying to understand
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Re: put 2 edge into water

Post by PastorJKG »

The two edged sword is the word of God. The water is also the word. Perhaps there needs to be a better connection between the written Logos word and the spoken Rhema word. The spiritual prophetic word and the written academic scholarly doctrine of the word.

For your prayerful consideration
Flying Eagle
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Re: put 2 edge into water

Post by Flying Eagle »

Pastor JKC
Can you more explain about the written Logos word and the spoken Rhema word. The spiritual prophetic word and the written academic scholarly doctrine of the word.
more specific please

bec i know i have a gift someone prophetic about me saying logo and Rhema back in 2004 when i saw the words that really shock me
that is 2nd time now you mention
so I need your more specific what it really means that helps me to understand better
thank you
I am deaf myself
i trying to understand and need youor help thank you
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Re: put 2 edge into water

Post by PastorJKG »

The Logos is what is written in the Bible. All prophecy needs to be congruent with the Logos. There is no new doctrine. We need to have an accurate working knowledge of the teachings of the scripture so our prophetic words will be safe and from the right source. You will be tempted to give words from what you feel that are not of the Spirit. The enemy will also try to slip us things at times to try to confuse and pollute what the Lord is wanting us to speak. The Rhema word is the Logos but spoken to a specific need or instruction or direction for the person receiving it which may not fit a particular teaching so to speak but it doesn't contradict the scripture in any way either. Like say I have an inspiration from the Spirit to turn to a particular verse in the Bible. Let's use Psalm 80:8 for instance. The Psalm is literally talking about Israel being planted in the promised land. But God gave it to me to speak of a coming fulfillment to earlier promises for my personal ministry. The Logos written word has now become a Rhema word for me. Of course it isn't always a passage of scripture. Sometimes it is a stand alone word from God. Sometimes a word of knowledge about someone, but it has the character of Christ and aligns with the clear teaching of scripture. it draws the recipient toward God. I hope this helps