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Anaconda Eating Husband's Mother's Roof of House

Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 4:51 am
by jdarby2007
Hello Everyone:

I would appreciate your help, interpretation and insight into this disturbing yet hopeful dream.


I was at my husband's mother's house IRL and I saw this huge anaconda-like snake through the window, I told my husband IRL to look at the snake, scene changed and me and my husband was outside his mother's house and I was at the back door and there were two strange men waiting to break into the house and I asked my husband several times if he wanted me to lock the door, I told him I locked the front door, my husband said yes lock the back door. When I locked the back door the two men disappeared, but I looked up at the roof of the house and I saw the anaconda snake that had a huge head and the snake was eating and biting into the roof of my husband's mother's house. The roof was completely destroyed.

Scene change, I was driving a new car, it was a blue newer model Cadillac, but the blue was beautiful, a blue color I've never seen before, the inside of the car was the same blue color and seats was a velour material with diamond studs in them. I was driving and there was an unknown woman in the car with me. I remember I was driving with purpose like I knew where I was going. EOD

Any help us much appreciated, God bless you much!


Re: Anaconda Eating Husband's Mother's Roof of House

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 10:22 pm
by Chambers
Hi. This may be way off, but it is something you can pray about, or discard.

Every time I looked up anaconda I kept running into a computer programming software that I found very interesting. I'm no computer whiz. In fact, I dropped out of my computer programming elective in college, but I recognized some of the idea behind the program as similar to how the Lord works in my life, especially regarding revelation. It's a lot to take in and not being versed in computer lingo, I found myself having to do a lot of reading and referencing.

Going to try and give the basic idea as I understood it.

First, what is anaconda, the program that is?
Anaconda is a free and open-source distribution of the Python and R programming languages for scientific computing, that aims to simplify package management and deployment. Package versions are managed by the package management system conda.

Anaconda consists of two main components:
1. Python programming language is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace. Its language constructs and object-oriented approach aim to help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects.

2. Conda is an open-source, cross-platform, language-agnostic package manager and environment management system. It was originally developed to solve difficult package management challenges faced by Python data scientists, and today is a popular Python/R package manager.

This whole thing just reminds me of how we can be like computers. I believe things are stored within us. Things God instills in us, and things we receive as we journey through life. Some of the latter can be useful, some is garbage that hinders our journey. As we are submitted to our Lord Jesus Christ, our big head, the Holy Spirit can bring revelation into our lives that is useful in our journeys, and that of others. He like pulls those packages that are stored and uses it as it fits into our lives as we journey through life.

As I said, may be way off, I just kept running into it, decided to read through and found some interesting insights that I thought may be worth some looking into with prayer.

Or maybe that snake needs to be slayed and beheaded.

Did you know in the dream that the anaconda was something negative?

The window may be a spiritual realm view.

Locking the back door may be about keeping things out from the past that are looking to rob something from personal life.

Considering the type, color, and equipping of your car it may speak of journeying at a higher spiritual level, like by God's love and Spiritual equipping.

A female appears to be going along for the ride.

Re: Anaconda Eating Husband's Mother's Roof of House

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 11:18 pm
by Chambers
I keep telling myself I spend way too much time here that I don't have (family priority). Going to break away unless I need help with one of my dreams.

I did want to say this though before I do that because I forgot. In my dreams, and stress in my dreams, I feel my in-laws tend to speak of those operating under the law. May not be the case in your dream.

Re: Anaconda Eating Husband's Mother's Roof of House

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 3:22 am
by bjcollin

I do python programming, but I don't think the dream is about the programming language. hahaha, I do love the reference as a software engineer.

To me I think the dream says that there is something near and dear to you that the enemy wants to swallow up whole. Anacondas are the longest snake in the world, and they can wrap around you like pythons do, but they lurk in water mainly as they have double eye lids that act like dive goggles do protecting their eyes under water, and when they have you instead of just crushing you like a python will, they try to eat you whole.
Seeing under water is usually symbolic of prophetic seers giftings. The two men are representative of the enemy doubling up their efforts, but it will not work as they can't get in. Then in the second scene, the blue caddy represents your purpose in God and what you are driving toward. There is some gifting that you need to protect and move into using more for His kingdom. Hope this helps.

in Christ,

Re: Anaconda Eating Husband's Mother's Roof of House

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 3:27 am
by bjcollin
Chambers wrote: Sat Feb 29, 2020 11:18 pm I keep telling myself I spend way too much time here that I don't have (family priority). Going to break away unless I need help with one of my dreams.

I did want to say this though before I do that because I forgot. In my dreams, and stress in my dreams, I feel my in-laws tend to speak of those operating under the law. May not be the case in your dream.
Take whatever time you need, I often neglect most weekends here due to church activities sunday school study sermons etc. I personally only try to respond as the Holy Spirit leads me to, and not to every dream. It is good to learn and to grow your gifting, and it takes time.

Biblical question... (also applies to this dream) What is the biggest lie of the enemy that the "in law" church is currently deceived by? Why is the enemy doubling down and trying to swallow it up whole?

in Christ,

Re: Anaconda Eating Husband's Mother's Roof of House

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 5:32 pm
by Chambers
You all are awesome and awesomely blessed in the Lord. Thank you!

Although i needed help with my dream i came to realize it became a much needed distraction from an unpleasant situation. It helped tremendously, but that isn't going to help anyone here but me. So grateful though that you all were patient with me. I kept thinking someone going to tell me to shut up you crazy person. Lol. Even now i peaked to see if with this interp that may have been the case. I really got lost in anaconda programming study and the Lord showing me things, but it was probably more for me.

I agree. It's important to wait on Holy spirit, i just find in my journey that if i have a willing heart and take a step in love, i can find him moving. If not, there is a reason and feel because my heart is elsewhere. You have to be honest with yourself. Sometimes it's just about what he's doing and his timing, so it's not necessarily us in the sense of the larger scope of things.

Thank you so much. Much blessings.

Re: Anaconda Eating Husband's Mother's Roof of House

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 6:17 am
by jdarby2007
Chambers wrote: Sat Feb 29, 2020 10:22 pm Hi. This may be way off, but it is something you can pray about, or discard.

Every time I looked up anaconda I kept running into a computer programming software that I found very interesting. I'm no computer whiz. In fact, I dropped out of my computer programming elective in college, but I recognized some of the idea behind the program as similar to how the Lord works in my life, especially regarding revelation. It's a lot to take in and not being versed in computer lingo, I found myself having to do a lot of reading and referencing.

Going to try and give the basic idea as I understood it.

First, what is anaconda, the program that is?
Anaconda is a free and open-source distribution of the Python and R programming languages for scientific computing, that aims to simplify package management and deployment. Package versions are managed by the package management system conda.

Anaconda consists of two main components:
1. Python programming language is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability with its notable use of significant whitespace. Its language constructs and object-oriented approach aim to help programmers write clear, logical code for small and large-scale projects.

2. Conda is an open-source, cross-platform, language-agnostic package manager and environment management system. It was originally developed to solve difficult package management challenges faced by Python data scientists, and today is a popular Python/R package manager.

This whole thing just reminds me of how we can be like computers. I believe things are stored within us. Things God instills in us, and things we receive as we journey through life. Some of the latter can be useful, some is garbage that hinders our journey. As we are submitted to our Lord Jesus Christ, our big head, the Holy Spirit can bring revelation into our lives that is useful in our journeys, and that of others. He like pulls those packages that are stored and uses it as it fits into our lives as we journey through life.

As I said, may be way off, I just kept running into it, decided to read through and found some interesting insights that I thought may be worth some looking into with prayer.

Or maybe that snake needs to be slayed and beheaded.

Did you know in the dream that the anaconda was something negative?

The window may be a spiritual realm view.

Locking the back door may be about keeping things out from the past that are looking to rob something from personal life.

Considering the type, color, and equipping of your car it may speak of journeying at a higher spiritual level, like by God's love and Spiritual equipping.

A female appears to be going along for the ride.
Hello Chambers:

I must say your perspective is very interesting and one I've never heard of before. I must admit that the Python programming analogy is beyond my level of understanding, but I do agree that in life we store the useful and garbage throughout our journey that can help or hinder, both which I have done, but God's grace and mercy has seen me through.

Yes, the Anaconda is the enemy, that part I did recognize as negative, but the good thing is recognition and discernment of the enemy's devices and power of the Holyspirit to overcome the enemy! Being that I have been through tremendous difficulties in life, I understand keeping things of the past out which have robbed me from many things in my life, but that is changing and was accomplished by the door being locked and the two thieves disappearing.

Thank you for responding to this dream, much appreciated! Have an awesome day!


Re: Anaconda Eating Husband's Mother's Roof of House

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 6:54 am
by jdarby2007
bjcollin wrote: Sun Mar 01, 2020 3:22 am jdarby2007,

I do python programming, but I don't think the dream is about the programming language. hahaha, I do love the reference as a software engineer.

To me I think the dream says that there is something near and dear to you that the enemy wants to swallow up whole. Anacondas are the longest snake in the world, and they can wrap around you like pythons do, but they lurk in water mainly as they have double eye lids that act like dive goggles do protecting their eyes under water, and when they have you instead of just crushing you like a python will, they try to eat you whole.
Seeing under water is usually symbolic of prophetic seers giftings. The two men are representative of the enemy doubling up their efforts, but it will not work as they can't get in. Then in the second scene, the blue caddy represents your purpose in God and what you are driving toward. There is some gifting that you need to protect and move into using more for His kingdom. Hope this helps.

in Christ,
Hello bjcollin:

I appreciate your insight. It's really something, because I am working on something that is very important to me, that I constantly keep in prayer before God, and the attacks against me have been persistent. I know that my work can't get me into heaven, the only entrance into eternal life is through Christ Jesus alone and His work on the cross. It's almost like I'm going through what Nehemiah went through with Sanballat and Tobiah and their demonic/adversarial efforts to get Nehemiah to come down from the wall to weaken his hands to stop the work. I believe this work is part of God's purpose for my life and I'm at the beginning of a turning point, but the opposition has been great, the things I have been through is unfathomable, it's like I'm on the isle of Patmos, as if I'm being exiled, quite painful, but God is giving me peace, answering my prayers and strengthening me for such a time as this. I often wonder if other people who work on their endeavors and goals for the Kingdom of God experience the same opposition, probably self explanatory knowing the tactics of the enemy especially if the work comes against his kingdom, I guess I want to make sure I'm not alone, much like Elijah in the cave

Thank you much! God bless!


Re: Anaconda Eating Husband's Mother's Roof of House

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2020 9:00 am
by keilani
I often wonder if other people who work on their endeavors and goals for the Kingdom of God experience the same opposition, probably self explanatory knowing the tactics of the enemy especially if the work comes against his kingdom, I guess I want to make sure I'm not alone, much like Elijah in the cave 
You are definitely not alone. I think separation, like sifting, is a necessary part of our growth and maturity. What I've learned over the years is that He views the process much differently than we do. I think it's because His focus is on what we will become. It is much like an Olympian who is training to compete; they submit themselves to rigorous training and self-discipline because their eyes are set on the prize. It is a very individual (ie. solitary) walk because we must each make our own choices. Whether we endure or embrace the process is entirely dependent upon whose eyes we are looking through. It was very hard for me to learn to embrace it esp when overwhelming situations were happening in my life and body. It was during those times that I had to choose to let go of my own perceptions so that He could give me His new thoughts. Looking back, I can say that there is a trust and confidence built during those experiences that can only be learned when you're in the Fire with only His voice to lead, comfort and guide you. Grace for your journey.