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cancerous residue

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 7:16 pm
by kingnme
my mom was diag. w/ stage 3 uterine cancer ...they did a hysterectomy and ridden her of the tumor so she is cancer free

PRAISE GOD !!! for HIS goodness of bringing her thru that she is recovering ..

since the surgery its hard for her to walk around as much

she was MORE active as prior the surgery EVEN with the diagnose she was MORE able than what she is enduring NOW she lays around a lot

so the surgeon wants to NOT be too careful enuff ...for his own satisfaction he wants to do a follow up of radiation treatment to reallly rid of this thing.... but she doesnt want to go thru with it its been about close to 3 weeks of her deciding NOT to go with radiation

NOW ...

last night I HAD A dream of her being in pain in the middle of her body .... (although IRL she had surgery)

...according to the thoughts in the dream it was understood it to be due to her cancer situation...

she had asked me to come over to her bed side and MASSAGE this thing out ...

so i proceed to massage that thing out

the more i massaged the more i felt something .. what seem to be forming into a block of something ...

...i can SEE it forming into something THRU HER TORSO ...SO IM just PULLING UP and a KNEAD like motion

TRYING TO get this OUT

so i continued to knead and knead around her torso she was alll over the place as i massaged her torso she cuddnt stay still but i continued

more to the point where ...the OBJECT felt like model clay if you will so it TOOK some work

as it came UP it formed into a BLOCk in the middle of her torso you cud see a block of something

yet the thought process of the dream as i was massaging her torso felt like a SPIRIT of HOPE coming over me ...

the thought process again was saying ...if i were to contiune to do so THIS...this foreign object will come UP then out thru her bowels

and she will be RID of this thing ...reallly strange dream but again hopeful ...any interps on this THANKS !

Re: cancerous residue

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:48 am
by Chambers
Hello again. I've had a thought on this one for some time, but wanted to wait and see if more would come. I don't know if it's on track, but ready to offer it up . . . something you can prayerfully consider.

I wonder if the Lord is using the situation with your mom as an example of things that may be going on with the church. Don't mean all church, but possibly church you are acquainted with. Could be about both mom and church.

It may be that as you use a hands on approach you gain growing insight into a block within the body of Christ that is causing her pain. Spirit of hope is one of those most valuable characteristics of the Spirit 1 cor. 13 speaks about.

Don't you wish sometimes with some dreams you get to see how it turns out?

I think at times it's meant to be that way so we continue to seek and rely on the Lord.

And if it helps any, my mom's been through something similar. The recovery has been slow due to complications during surgery, but she's already a miracle. They did not expect her to make it, but God had other plans and we put our hope in Him.

Be blessed.

Re: cancerous residue

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:05 pm
by Chambers
An addition that came later regarding the block . .

Considering that the block was in the middle of the torso, it may speak of an unhealthy defect within the body that is multiplying and blocking the heart.

Symbolically, possibly the ability for the spirit to flourish by the Lord's Spirit and bear fruit.

Cancer cells start off as tiny invaders that multiply into a huge problem that can kill the body. They are defective cells that no longer listen to the body's regulatory system for the body's overall health and function.

Additional thoughts that may be worth some prayerful consideration. Again, may not be symbolic, your dream, but possibly so, or maybe both.

Thanks and God bless you.

Re: cancerous residue

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 7:34 pm
by kingnme
This was a profound dream....

It definitely was a "work of faith" because

It seemingly wasn't coming into fruition

To the natural eye one would have thought

"Give up already!!?!?"

It was a work that took sooo much effort

on her part and mine

But the hope continued to stand behind the scenes

Thanks so much it was a true puzzle piece!!!

Re: cancerous residue

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 1:13 am
by Chambers