Two Perfect Babies in the Sky

Dreams and visions to be interpreted
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Two Perfect Babies in the Sky

Post by Chrisy489 »


I had this dream sometime ago and would greatly appreciate your thoughts on its meaning. Here is the dream:

I dreamed that I looked up to the heavens and it was very, very dark - there were no stars in the sky. As I looked at the dark, great expanse - I felt afraid. Then a white sheet tightly pulled at its four corners appeared in the sky. In the midst of the sheet were two extremely beautiful, healthy-looking (plump – not fat) perfect baby boys - they looked identical. They lay on their backs and side-to-side in a head-and-tail position, i.e. one's head was to the other's feet and vice-versa. They were moving their limbs as babies usually do. They were so perfect and beautiful. Soon after this appeared, the sheet folded up just as when one crumbles up a piece of paper and tossed to the bottom right side. The dream ended.

Any ideas, anyone?
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Re: Two Perfect Babies in the Sky

Post by bjcollin »


What a beautiful dream. It reminds me of Peter's dream with a sheet in it from Acts 10:9-17 with the recap in Acts 11:1-18. So to me this is God saying that there is a double portion of gifting being offered for a time. I am not sure on the head/tail portion of the vision, but even though they are laying in opposite directions they are both perfect and both looking like each other, so whichever way you view it whether from top or bottom, they are a perfect from God. Hope this helps some. Be like Peter, keep contemplating on the dream and God will bring it's understanding to you.

in Christ,
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Re: Two Perfect Babies in the Sky

Post by Chrisy489 »


Thank you very much for your response. I never thought about the twins as a "double portion of gifting" and you have definitely given me great food for thought.

Thank you most kindly,