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Dream of friend and her dogs

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 3:12 am
by GoldenSeraph

I had this dream about someone who was an acquaintance at the time I had the dream.
Today we are more friends than just acquaintances and the dream was coming to mind.

Any insights are most appreciated.

Pasting in what I had emailed her at the time:

“Dream was that you (person I know) sent me a YouTube video

 I watched and it was in your house and you and a taller redhead was beside you, looked like you but longer hair.
 You were hitting stuff with baseball bat I mean like a game but playing indoors. I saw your husband on other side of room , he was involved, possibly tossing you the balls.

 I was like wow she’s good re: your hitting and strength displayed, coordination (lotta gals just can’t bat!).
  ((I’m a former ball player, I know these things 😬)))

So I was watching and seemed you were having fun but into it too like taking seriously.
Sister looking woman behind you.

  Then I was IN your house and not just watching a YouTube video !

Nice spacious  kitchen and living area I think it was?
Lot of light.

You had I think 2 dogs playing , bigger not small dogs (she has pit bulls in real life).

 They seemed to be having lot of fun and close with one another.
 Irl I’m kinda afraid dogs (bad childhood experience).

 Yours started  coming near me and I was like “umm I’m kinda uneasy around dogs...” afraid I’d get bitten.  
  Was about to tell you they’d pick up on my fear and then bite me but I didn’t ... they were right by me and you came and restrained them and I was so relieved when they didn’t harm me at all.

I saw their faces close up in the dream but fading now. Good looking animals.”

Thanks a lot.