Voices and visiting my childhood home.

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Voices and visiting my childhood home.

Post by iluvyahweh »

I was a passenger in a car, driving along the station road in my old home town. A woman was driving, who it felt like my older sister, Angela. But it wasn't my sister. We were in a people carrier, the kind of carrier that mother's take their kids to school in. I was dark blue.

We were following my dad and a car in front - who is dead IRL - and he was driving an old Audi tt, Mark 1, silver - about 20 years old. We got to the top of St John's Road where we used to live, and we turned into the drive of my old childhood home, number 27. My father was not there at this point. We went round the back of the house, but then went into the house from the front door.

I was conscious that the house had been bought by new people, and they were in the process of restoring it. Inside the house, was a man that i did not know. He told me his name was Henry Taylor. I did not know a man called Henry Taylor, but i thought there was a woman who lived across the road when i was young called Elsie Taylor, and i wondered if he was somehow related to her.

Henry stood and talked to me a lot and he was consistently talking about voices and being a voice. We were in the living room, and there were book shelves in the living room. He next handed me a book, and the author of the book was a person called William. I didn't see the second name. The book was a hard cover, and was green.

Next, there was a group of young people around him, and they were talking with him. They were telling him he was wrong, and I said no, he is right. I then said to him that he was going to serve his enemies. The group of people again, said this was wrong and was not true. I then said, it is true. It will be like Daniel serving in Babylon, and serving a heathen king.

I then said to Henry that since he was talking about voices, he needed to read and understand where voices come from. I told him about the Book of Revelation and how "thunders, lightnings, and Voices" come from the throne of God.

Dream end. Any help and insight would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Voices and visiting my childhood home.

Post by bjcollin »


Sorry I missed this dream earlier. I'm not sure what a people carrier is, but I am thinking it is like a mini-van type of vehicle. Toward the end of the dream I see a spirit of division at work in the young people. Many in the new thought streams of today think that everything needs to be divided or separated and that Christians cannot or should not work for heathen employers under protest as it is seen as "supporting" ungodliness. There is certain truth to that as I feel for example that we as Christians should draw some standards lines and we should not be working in certain industries that are ungodly like bars or working doing illegal things like selling drugs etc. However, there are Bible passages that say we are in the world, but we are not to be of the world and of course your dream brought up Daniel who was a high level government official in the Babylonian and Persian empires. Also, let's not forget Joseph who was an Egyptian Pharos's right hand man in his day and they were all used as part of God's plan. So it depends on the voice and what the influence is of course. Yes, we can be Godly influences to heathen kings and still get God's purposes done. I am not sure on the parts in the middle of the dream and the places except that they talk about the past and following dad (father God). Sorry nothing on the Taylors or the William book. Maybe others will get something on that. I know it's a bit jumbled, but hopefully it will get you started on the dream. I know it has almost been 1 month since this dream, so have there been any other dreams or any other things going on in your life spiritually lately where you have had to rely on these types of Biblical references to Daniel and to Revelation?

in Christ,
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