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A Crowded School

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:04 pm
by bjcollin
I have dreamed of this school many times over the years. It is like a high school in a suburb of a city with gently rolling hills and often times there was snow all around. The dream progressed to me exploring the school, to going to the school, and now it seems I am a teacher in the school and trying to leave the school with my wife. In this particular dream I was leaving a classroom that was my classroom that I was a teacher in, and I was walking down the halls of the school with my wife and we were trying to leave the school. The halls were jam packed full of people who were trying to gain entrance into the school to be students. Even though it looked like a high school, it seemed that the people in the school were not that young in age, but all of them seemed to range in age from their 20s - 50s. I was plowing the way down the hall through people for my wife who was right behind me and we passed by this registration desk area which seemed to be the center of the all of the activity where these people were all trying to register to become students all at one time. I knew I was already a teacher and I was secure that I didn't need to be in that line and that we were leaving down the hallway toward the exit door. Once we exited the door the scene shifts.

My wife and I were now on a bicycle / snowmobile type of vehicle together, I was driving in the front and she was sitting on the seat behind me. We were trying to make our way through the surrounding neighborhood. Then a giant enemy type of person was following us and he was angry with us and was starting to chase us. I think his idea was that we should return to the school, which we just wanted to escape him. My wife and I both started throwing snowballs backwards at him as we were making our way faster and loosing him. I think at one point we actually hit him with one of the snowballs and lost him from chasing us. End of dream.

I called a friend of mine last night on the dream, and after he heard the dream he started prophesying and he said that I needed to rise up and walk in the gifting of the Holy Spirit and that God was waiting on me, not the opposite where I thought I was waiting on God. I have already risen to the level of being able to teach others, but now I need to stretch out and move forward into what God has for me. This is something that both my wife and I need to do together, which we currently are doing. The enemy will try to stop us and he will resist us, but he can't as this is something that the Lord is ordering.

Any other thoughts?

in Christ,

Re: A Crowded School

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 12:47 pm
by bella
Yes I thought it was interesting that you were previously a student in this high school and now a teacher. But what about university? Where is the higher learning?

It also spoke to me that you've stayed within the same denomination. Grown up in the church, and now you're teaching in that church. Seems to suggest that you need to leave that church/denomination? For further learning perhaps? Or a broadening of horizons?

Also, snow represents purity.

You and Elie leaving on the bike/snowmobile spoke to me of just the two of you. Not a bus, or a car. Very personal. You and she. No-one else involved. Also the best form of vehicle to navigate the environment.

Re: A Crowded School

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 3:41 pm
by bjcollin

Thank you for the reply. This particular high school in the suburbs has shown up a lot in my dreams over the past few years, but I feel that the series of dreams where I am in the universities was a totally different message in those dreams. The university dreams was more of a giftings message, while this dream series feels more personal in a way, so like you and my friend both pointed out, I think it is more personal ministry related in this dream. The two dream series could be related together so possibly.

I have been in quite a few denominations/churches in my years... Air Force Base Chapel (mostly Baptist in childhood), GCM Ministries (in college), CFNI (pentecostal ministry school), Streams Ministries (pentecostal/prophetic), VLM (deliverance/inner healing), A/G (pentecostal), and IPHC (pentecostal) Our ordination as pastors in IPHC is what has been the steady part all of these past years. My wife has been IPHC her entire life. Now we have our home church/bible study which we just opened in our home in June.

in Christ,

Re: A Crowded School

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2022 2:53 pm
by bella
Brian I realised I was just assuming that university should come after high school. It isn't necessarily so.

I also makes sense that you might be a student in a 'school' and then become a teacher in the same 'school' if that school represents a denomination.

Maybe that school represents an actual church, not a denomination. Hence you and your wife leaving it (to branch out with your own church).