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My Friend's Dream

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:10 pm
by FaithStillWorks
This is my friend's dream as told by her:
I was standing in a field . In the field was a small white wood framed church it was abandoned. I with other people started making improvements on the church. We changed out the windows it had windows that open and shut ( like we had in church before we had air. ) the windows were rectangular in shape. We exchanged them to single pane and we arched the top of the window and painted the glass to make it look like stained glass. We put a big circle glass window in the front of the church above the pulpit. We went outside we had large trees and each family in the church put a circle of geraniums around a tree each tree was maintained by different families. Some put benches by their trees. I bought bronze cards with the families names and put them in their area's. The only person I knew was A lady that works at Ace's (my friend's grandson) school. She helped me with the flowers. I bought $100.00 worth and she did not think it would be enough and she bought more and just brought them to the church. Well after we finished what we set out to do. I looked around and said this is good enough for me.I was happy I was satisfied. I blinked my eyes and a big freeway was in the field near the church. What do you think about this?
end of dream

Any Holy Spirit led insight is welcome. Thanks