in the twilight zone

Archives for 2008
Jewels sunshine

in the twilight zone

Post by Jewels sunshine »

I seemed to decend into a vey dark o place. almost like a hidden secretive world. think of parrael universes...twilight zone..ect.
I saw things that seemed odd..i cant quite put my finger on what they were now that im awake. They were just wieid. It was a strange place with very odd things around me.
I became scared. I wonderd if i was at the point of death and going to hell. If this was hell i dont think i saw typical hell things such as fier and brimstone... it was just odd and weird and seemed like a place that was dark, and very strange,
I stared to pray.... i found myself repenting of things that i had been half and half about. I was scared....
then i felt myself acending... and now seemed to be in what i think was a hospital or some kind of place where i was recovering.
I think i saw a get well card.......
There is more but this is the best i can do...
Mama table
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please disregard if it doesn't agree with your spirit

Post by Mama table »

There are times we go into dark places to be the light. for he is the light in us. Jesus witnessed to the drunks, the prostitutes, the deaf. Yet he was not darkness. He associated with the darkness not to partake he was the light to deliver them out of the darkness. I believe there are times where you are in a place not in your element it is odd to you because it is not apart of you but don't worry God is with you
There are times we go into the dark because forget to go into his presence the darkness comes on us because we have forgotten to get into the light. Especially if we are constantly giving out. It is this times we desperately need other christians to nurse us back to health. Two are better than one when one falls the other can lift him up. Don't forsake the gathering of other christians. (that I believe is the friendship of being nursed to health.)
Love to you,
Mama table
I love the Lord
Jewels sunshine

Post by Jewels sunshine »

Thank u Mama.
I have just come out of a dark place where the world was truly strange... i cried out to God int his dark place.. and felt i have emerged out of it and now in a place of healing....Not sure why i had this dream though... :roll:
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

sorry... :oops: butt his was just to good to overlook! There are others im not bothering to bring back up.