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Demonic attacks?

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:20 pm
by Mariaan
I was wondering if someone can help me. This happened quite a while ago, but constantly. I would sleep and then I suddenly feel so much evil in the room and it would feel as if my sould wants to leave my body and I would litteraly have a fight to keep it inside my body. I also once heard demonic screams while this was happening.

I'm really close to God and have a wonderful relationship with Him. Do you think the enemy is just trying to scare me?

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 3:31 pm
by Kimgroovy
Hi Mariaan,

Are you awake or asleep? If you are awake have you ask God to protect you when this happens? I am asking because I once was attacked by demon it sat on me and was trying to choke me, I have an old fashion waterbed and I felt the water moving when this demon pressed it self on me. I immediately cried out to God to help me and immediately the demon got off of me.

I would also pray for his protection when you are sleeping and use your Godly authority that we have in Christ Jesus to come against these attacks from the enemy.

Blessings to you,


Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 6:03 pm
by HisBlood
Amen Kim!!

I would also anoint your house and speak the Blood
of Jesus if it ever happens, again! Just the other night I
was sleeping (had been pretty sick from blood poisoning,
so in a weak state). I dreamt that these demons (looked
like praying mantis') were attacking me. I kept repeating
the Blood of Jesus and they would bounce back and not
touch me. There is power in the BLOOD!!! Psalm 91, also!

Don't ever think that it happens because you aren't close
enough to God or strong enough! Many times it happens
because the devil is tryng to distract us from something
big HE has in store!!! Or a major breakthrough is coming.
It may not relate to you, I found that this is what has
happened with me.

Blessings and Love

Demonic attack

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:52 am
by Mariaan
Thank you for the reply. I am asleep, but fully aware what is going on around me. I don't know how to explain it. I'm not dreaming. Everytime I speak the blood of Jesus over me it goes away. But sometimes I cannot get the words out. It's as if I can't speak. I then just ask Jesus in my mind to help me, and then it goes away.

Another thing that bothers me is, the other night I had a dream of a demon that wants to attack me and I spoke the blood of Jesus over me in front of the demon and told it to go away in the name of Jesus and it just laughed at me, it didn't go away! I then woke up very upset.

You are right to say that it happens when I'm closest to God or when breakthrough is near.

But God is almighty, and I know He is always there for me and won't let me get hurt.

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:57 am
by desertrose
I know what you are describing.....

I had a similar experience many years ago. I was asleep and woke up - I was lying on my right side and looked into the big round duchess mirror in front of me...I saw an almost transparent black figure standing behind me. It was almost "solid" but not quite...I rolled over quickly to face it. Then it "shot" down to the end of the bed and leapt in one leap...onto my left ankle. It was then I looked around and realised my body was still asleep facing the mirror...but my spirit was awake to what was happening in the spirit realm.

Each step that this evil being took up my leg....I felt that piece of my body go cold...not just cold but "dead cold".....I sensed it was enjoying itself all the way - as it slowly walked up my body to my shoulder. I said...Lord you promised you would never leave or forsake me ....then something like -Jesus help me ! <poof> the demon disappeared and I felt this shaft of warmth like a laser beam...slowly move up from my toes to my shoulders...restoring my normal body warmth...then I felt arms go right around me...even under me between me and the mattress and I knew I was safe in His arms....I seemed to fall back to sleep immediately...that is my spirit caught up with my snoring body !

Get some oil - olive oil is perfectly fine and go over your doors and window frames praying and telling the enemy to leave in Jesus name. Pray His blood covering over home and family.

Isn't it wonderful when He shows us the ways of the wicked we can stand in His strength and the power of His blood !

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 9:53 pm
by kimibrew
Another powerful weapon in those times is PRAISE! To look away from that evil threatening spirit and purposefully turn your attention to Jesus in adoration and thanksgiving gives you victory over the fear that those fellas try to torment you with.

Bless you, you victorious one!

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 1:06 am
by larkspur7777
i have had something kinda similiar happen to me,i was in the shower and all of a sudden i had this horrible fear come over me,it was almost like it overtook my whole body,no matter which way i turned it was there,horrible fear,i started praying and got out of the shower quick, we moved out of the house.. but this was the same house that something slapped my husband in the back while he was sleeping,not long after that i had a preacher prophesy over me that i was one of God's annointed and the devil was trying to steal the annointing.. the devil will try and intimidate us any way he can..plead the blood of Jesus over yourself and your family and your house daily...and remember greater is he that is in us then he that is in the world..God bless