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Eldon's Dream

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:05 am
by HisBlood
My husband Eldon had this dream a couple of nights ago.
Any insights would be appreciated.

I had a dream last night and was a bit disturbed.

Kenneth and Gloria Copeland came to our house and they brought a crew of
people to put new shingles on the house. Once they got started I went down
into the house for something and was taking my time. By the time I got back
outside they were done. I was upset at myself that I had missed out helping.
Then we were at a church basement eating and fellowshipping (K & G didn't
say anything in the whole dream which just went about doing their work or
listening to us being polite) and we were at a table with K&G and then got
up to get something and came back and all the seats were full at the table.
Then there was a big line up for a church service and I was in the line up
in the foyer to get in but others were getting in ahead of me (the whole
time Kenneth was standing by me silently).

I woke up feeling like we are missing out on something

Eldon Cook

Fleet Manager

Ducharme Motors

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 3:35 am
by talitha

I'm going to kind of talk this out, be patient with me please as a "weaker vessel" ;)......

I've never been big into the Copelands' ministry; it's just not my stream, but a couple of my girlfriends back 'home' are, and they gave us some little booklets by them to read as devotionals. We've read at least some of each, and have found them to be sort of encouraging. When I think of the Copelands, I think of faith.

I think both of them were there because this dream is for both you and Carolyn, and it's like your faith and Carolyn's faith. Faith has been building a covering for you both. The word "shingles" is interesting, because it can mean roofing, but it can also speak sort of metaphorically of your occupation or "profession" (interesting double meaning again ;)), as in "hanging a shingle", especially for people in medical or legal professions.

I think I've read a teaching by K or G that spoke of faith doing the work for you. "For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love." (Galatians 5:6) In other words, it's not what we 'do' but faith that does the work that really brings us into right relationship with God. "And without faith it is impossible to please Him...." (Hebrews 11:6) I guess I say all of that to say that there was no need to feel guilty, it was not your job, at least that's what I think I'm seeing.

In both the first and second scenes you went to get something and then you were left out because you stepped out of your place, out of your "God-Appointed Position". I heard a teaching about that from a gal who spoke one morning session at Ignited Church where the Lakeland revival broke out. She spoke about standing in the GAP - the God-Appointed Position for you. That word has been very encouraging. If I'm with a bunch of people who are doing similar things to what I'm doing, then I'm not in my God-Appointed Position, because I'm not filling an actual gap. Anyway, getting back to your dream, you sort of unwittingly abdicated your position, first in the area of working and then in the area of receiving blessing, because you went to get something yourself. It's faith that should be working for you. Does that make sense? In both cases, you left faith behind.

In the last scene, you are in line to go in to I guess a pretty special church service, since there was a big line-up in the foyer! Others seemed to be moving ahead of you, passing you up. Hmm. Does it feel that way lately, that just when you were on the verge of really accomplishing something in the Kingdom, really getting somewhere, you found yourself being passed up by others? Guess what - your faith is right there with you ready to serve you.

How does all that strike your spirit?

bless you, brother, and thanks for lending us your wife from time to time, LOL....


Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:13 pm
by HisBlood


I sent this to Eldon, 2......he will be very blessed!!

Faith is definitely what we have gleaned from them
(K & G)!

*it's not what we 'do' but faith that does the work that
really brings us into right relationship with God. "And
without faith it is impossible to please Him...."
(Hebrews 11:6)* AMEN! He always tries to do, rather
than just walk in faith and trust HIM.

Eldon has been seeking this - *God-Appointed Position
for you* I pray and wait for his decisions and the amount
of prayer I do for him, I know he will succeed!! My GAP is
an intercessor and support for the 5 fold, of which I know
he will walk in.

Tal, this is right on cue - *It's faith that should be working
for you. Does that make sense? In both cases, you left
faith behind.* God is teaching him that through faith and
patience, whe will inherit the promises.

Yes, I know he has - *your faith is right there with you
ready to serve you. *

I wondered if the full seats at the table and no room
in the line-up meant that he has been equipped and
trained and now it's time to step out and DO the

I am just responding some here and thanking you.
Eldon will obviously be blessed and respond, as

Tal, you always nail things!! You're right on, sis!

Love ya lots!!

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:18 pm
by talitha
I wondered if the full seats at the table and no room
in the line-up meant that he has been equipped and
trained and now it's time to step out and DO the

I think probably so - Eldon definitely has the goods!!

blessings on you both

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:52 pm
by HisBlood

He sure does!!! His dream is to walk like John G. Lake and
Todd Bentley walk in the area of healing and deliverance!!
The desire of the righeous shall be granted!!

love ya