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need some help

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:54 pm
by WaitingforHim
In this dream I am in the parking lot of the church just getting out of my car.

I look up and see my old pastor that used to be at this church. He had been there before and tried to get in but couldn' he was coming back to try again now that peple were there.

When I seen him my heart lit up! I ran across the parking lot to him and our hearts connected. As I reached him I jumped into his arms but he picked up over his head like you would a child. That felt soooo great! I noticed how much stronger he was and built up in muscles. I said to him"WOW! That was great!"...

Then we had our arms around each other walking and I was telling him how much I missed him and how much I loved him (not in an intimate way...) and I said to him "You are just like a daddy to me"...But then he puzzled me.

He pushed me away and said "I don't want the people to see us this close" and he walked away from me..I was so badly wanting to catch up with him and fill him in on all that was going on and such...But he didn't want others to see us as being close?

AS I walked away, I was broken...I was telling someone ? about I didn't understand...


Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 3:37 am
by WaitingforHim
anyone have any imput? :)

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:20 pm
by bjcollin
FYI have you totally forgiven and placed on the altar your old pastor and old church and everybody involved? I know when my wife and I changed churches it took years to do this as some of the pain was deep, but we finally did it. We would have dreams of the old pastor and the old church and its members until we finally let it go properly before the Lord and repented and forgave them. To me it seems that all of these dreams with your old pastor in them have something to do with something along these same lines. Hope this helps, just my dos centavos and not a direct intrepretation of this dream.

in Christ,

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:38 pm
by WaitingforHim
Thanks BJ..I will consider this in prayer..
One thing though, I am still in the church...the Pastor is gone. He went to another church in another state. But I did return with the Lord's instruction to do so.

I will however go to the alter with any hidden unforgiveness that may be there..I chose to forgive any and all that have hurt me and offended me but that is not saying that there isn't some hidden ya know? Anyway, I will pray and I sure do appreciate you looking at my dreams for me..

Your such a blessing.

Re: need some help

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 2:50 pm
WaitingforHim wrote:In this dream I am in the parking lot of the church just getting out of my car.

I look up and see my old pastor that used to be at this church. He had been there before and tried to get in but couldn' he was coming back to try again now that peple were there.

When I seen him my heart lit up! I ran across the parking lot to him and our hearts connected. As I reached him I jumped into his arms but he picked up over his head like you would a child. That felt soooo great! I noticed how much stronger he was and built up in muscles. I said to him"WOW! That was great!"...

I see your pastor representing Jesus and you are running to Him.

Then we had our arms around each other walking and I was telling him how much I missed him and how much I loved him (not in an intimate way...) and I said to him "You are just like a daddy to me"...But then he puzzled me.
I see your love for Him.

He pushed me away and said "I don't want the people to see us this close" and he walked away from me..I was so badly wanting to catch up with him and fill him in on all that was going on and such...But he didn't want others to see us as being close?

I see this representing how the people treat Him. He loves them so much but they push him away and He is trying to convey that hurt that he feels to you.

AS I walked away, I was broken...I was telling someone ? about I didn't understand...

He is letting you feel Him during His pain and allowing you to see the hurt and anguish that goes on within Him when we deny Him.

I hope this speaks to your spirit. It definitely did to mine!

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:02 pm
by WaitingforHim
Thank you Crystal.
I will take this to prayer..I had also considered this a possiblity.
And it does make your heart moved doesn't it..

Thank you again and I will ask the Lord if this is the interp. For now I am sensing this may open up more to me in time.

Love you lots.
Thanks for helping me.

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:44 pm
Please share with us when God reveals it to you. I love to see him work! :P

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:54 pm
by RebMel
I was thinking along the same lines as NOTW.

Just want to say that in the end I didn't see this as a personal rejection but as protection. There may be a strain of jealousy in the church that he wishes to protect you from. Or it may be even more sinister, a presence in the church that if alerted to how close a relationship you actually have would call in attacks upon you. I'm sure once he has 'cleaned house' your relationship will no longer be 'claudestine'.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:00 pm
by WaitingforHim
Interesting Reb...
I was really leaning toward this being more about myself than I was for the body...

I always wanted a close relationship or atleast I wanted him to "embrace" who I was in Christ and help raise me up in the gifts and callings the Lord was showing me...but while he was there it seemed that He didn't have time for any of that...Most of the church just were spectators. No one really knew or were released into their gifts or callings...only a certain few. When he left the church we were at peace but I never really felt we had a bond or anything the way some do with their spriritual fathers...And then when he was gone I began to have dreams about him...and in the dreams my love for him seems so much more real than I feel/felt in real life. In the dreams its as if we were really bonded like a father and daughter...but in real life it wasn't like that at all. sooooo, I was almost wondering if there was some healing that needed to still take place in my heart ..maybe some rejection that I felt from him...??? I placed it all on the alter and gave it to the Lord..but it sort of made me feel that it wasn't all dealt with?

I don't know..but I will continue to pray..thank you ..your so kind to have took the time on my dreams...God Bless you.

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:28 pm
by Joy2dream
In this dream I am in the parking lot of the church just getting out of my car.
Possibly stepping out into your ministry.
I look up and see my old pastor that used to be at this church. He had been there before and tried to get in but couldn' he was coming back to try again now that peple were there.
Wonder why he couldn't get in the church previously? Was he not ready yet for a re-entry? But now he is because there are people there? Do you think it may mean that there are more people like him there now?
When I seen him my heart lit up! I ran across the parking lot to him and our hearts connected. As I reached him I jumped into his arms but he picked up over his head like you would a child. That felt soooo great! I noticed how much stronger he was and built up in muscles. I said to him"WOW! That was great!"...
So when he comes back it as if all is forgive and you all celebrate the love you have for each other. Could be that the physical mucles are the spiritual muscles he has increased in since he left.
Then we had our arms around each other walking and I was telling him how much I missed him and how much I loved him (not in an intimate way...) and I said to him "You are just like a daddy to me"...But then he puzzled me.
You show him a place of honor in your heart toward him.
He pushed me away and said "I don't want the people to see us this close" and he walked away from me..I was so badly wanting to catch up with him and fill him in on all that was going on and such...But he didn't want others to see us as being close?
What is it about you that he is afraid of? You still are wanting to share with him even after he has pushed you away. Do you feel like he did this in shame or in hiding. Hiding as if he does like you but it cannot be found out yet?
AS I walked away, I was broken...I was telling someone ? about I didn't understand...
Like you are now in this post.

Interp: It seems like this man may try to gain a re-entry into your life and if it isn't him, it may be the a spirit that he had coming back into operation. It appears that behind the scenes he loved you and was happy to be in your life but when it came time be seen with you he wasn't about that at all. Here I am going to suggest that what may make him uncomfortable is what he is seeing "inside"your eg: your giftings. This may be the main thing that is scaring the man/what he represents/spirit from being close to you. People with your gift will know and see things sometimes much sooner than others.

Hope this helps, ditch if it doesn't. Love you and glad you're still here.


Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 12:12 am
by WaitingforHim
Wonder why he couldn't get in the church previously? Was he not ready yet for a re-entry? But now he is because there are people there? Do you think it may mean that there are more people like him there now?
He couldn't get in because he didn't have a key. IRL he has left the church. He is no longer pastor he doesn't have access to the building. So in the dream he came earlier and couldn't get in...till someone else was there...
Not sure, but I have had dreams in the recent past where I am speaking to him and he is depressed and wanting to come back to the church but is afraid/ashamed to admit he tries to go around telling me that is whats wrong..but the HolySpirit tells me in the dream??

So when he comes back it as if all is forgive and you all celebrate the love you have for each other. Could be that the physical mucles are the spiritual muscles he has increased in since he left.
Not sure. I don't think he is really coming back...I don't see how unless the Lord does something completely different! hahaha.
But I felt the muscles were showing that he is equipped..more equipped. But I still don't feel that its actually him in the dream...
You show him a place of honor in your heart toward him.
I the other dreams I had with him in them I also was showing him this love...supernatural love..
What is it about you that he is afraid of? You still are wanting to share with him even after he has pushed you away. Do you feel like he did this in shame or in hiding. Hiding as if he does like you but it cannot be found out yet?
IRL, I did want to share and did forgive and LOVE LOVE LOVE even after he pushed me away and did some things. In the dream, I felt that he did this with a mix of emotions...almost like he was too busy and others were of more importance...and also what they thought was more important...He did for sure love me in the dream...when we embraced I felt the Love of the father...but quickly it ended....

Here I am going to suggest that what may make him uncomfortable is what he is seeing "inside"your eg: your giftings. This may be the main thing that is scaring the man/what he represents/spirit from being close to you. People with your gift will know and see things sometimes much sooner than others.

Hope this helps, ditch if it doesn't. Love you and glad you're still here.

Now that is funny you should say that...because I have considered that in the past...with him...that he felt uncomfortable with what was inside me..?? Strange thing is if you remember, he was all about wanting to spend time with me when I was leaving the church before...and he for the first time told me that he was going to help raise me up in the office if I remained there...I heard the HolySpirit tell me to choose between the silver and gold and what He said for me to do at the of course I chose obedience and two days later found out he left the church and was lying to me. I forgave him right away and even went to see him and hugged him goodbye and told him I loved him and blessed him. I really felt the Love of the Lord that day and a total forgiveness and was awesome..but the dreams started after I came back to the church...

I am really starting to feel the puzzle come together here..hmmm.
Thanks Joy. If you get anything else please share.

I love you, you know that MJ...


Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 1:49 am
by Joy2dream
I really felt the Love of the Lord that day and a total forgiveness and was awesome..but the dreams started after I came back to the church...
Do you think he is representing the church you are in?

I know ya love me :mrgreen:

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:00 am
by WaitingforHim
I really don't know sis.
This is all I do know.

I was upset because I wanted to have that bonding that a Father has with a daughter...that spiritual connection but it seemed He would only let me get surface deep with him..

I felt pushed off, not important to him. As though everything else and everyone else was more important and didn't understand that because He seemed so full of love when we were hugging.

The word "Reunited" came to mind when I lept into his arms.

The fact that he came back..I believe it was only to visit in the dream...I don't think it was to stay but I am not sure.

Love you..
Thanks for the help.