Mice and snake

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Mice and snake

Post by vdm3418 »


I dreamed that my wife and I were in what I thought was a bedroom. She was in bed and I was standing near the foot of the bed in this large room. All of a sudden I noticed baby mice being born and popping out on the floor. Apparently they were in a cage, but the wire was not small enough to contain the mice. I had a book and every time one fell I hit it with the book killing it. There were many. There was also a large snake there in a cage, but again, the wire openings on the cage could not contain him. I told Rose franticly that the snake was going to get out. She did not seem concerned. He did, and while on the floor started eating the dead mice I had killed. He started crawling around the bedroom looking for something else to eat. There was a full grown grey and black stripe cat in the room and the snake lifted his head and was about to grab the cat, but I kicked the cat out of the way saving it. I screamed for Rose and I shut the door keeping the snake in the room. I ran around to another door that entered the bedroom, but noticed the snake had crawled under the first door. It was in the hall and I was very afraid. Rose came out and reached down and grabbed the snake behind the head and carried it somewhere….and then I woke up.
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Post by vdm3418 »

bump please
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Post by liveoutloudster »


Just as a disclaimer upfront, please disregard this interpretation if it doesn't speak to you, and consider it prayerfully. :)

I'm inclined to think of this as a bit of a warning dream. First of all the mice seem to represent some sort of pestulence. I think these are little trials that have come your way, and you have easily conquered them (although there are so many it's hard to keep up). The snake reminds me of Satan in Genesis (coming as a snake in the garden of Eden), and the fact that he tries to devour you, makes me think this is a much bigger trial--either in your marriage or for your family more generally. I believe that your blocking of the snake (even though he crawled under the door) and your wife picking up the snake shows that together you will get through this trial . . .

Once again, if this doesn't speak to you, please just disregard it all together --I'm really new in this gift still. :D
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Post by desertrose »

I believe this is a warning too....

Snakes eat mice amongst other things and a multitude of mice would draw a snake from miles away - bountiful and easy food.

Are there some small things in your life that might not necessarily be "sin" - that might attract the enemy in the "promise of prey"? Something that may seem a small issue but is repetitive enough that might lead you into the jaws of the enemy? Anything practiced from your "generations" past?

Just for your prayerful consideration - toss aside if doesnt ring a bell
Be blessed and keep sweet !
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Post by vdm3418 »

Thanks! We have received 3 interpretations regarding warning and we have been praying for revelation, repentance and protection over this dream. By the way desertrose, where in NZ are you? We lived in Taupo in 2005. We are in Georgia in US now.
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Sorry for the late reply

Post by desertrose »

I live in Christchurch City...yes the one that has been rocked by over 8,000 quakes/aftershocks in the last 12 months!

Never been to Taupo - but bet its a lovely place. Probably a little more stable than here at the moment !! You NZ born and bred or did you just come visit our little corner of the world for a while?
Be blessed and keep sweet !