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Different Lenses-Different Art

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 10:14 pm
by yeshuas_beloved
I had this dream the same night as "Changing Vehicles", which I posted in another thread. I was in my old high school with a small group of young people. We each did something kind of strange. We walked to the landing of some stairs one by one. When each of us went to the landing, we looked through a lens. As a participator and observer, I could see through each lens as each of us took turns. Each lens was engraved with the cross, and when you looked through the lens, you could see a piece of artwork. Mine looked like a cross, but there were gorgeous rays of rainbow light emanating from it. The cross itself was pure white light. Another one looked like a photo montage, sort of a surrealism piece. The object which was surrounding by sky, clouds and a landscape resembled a cross, yet it was not quite recognizable. Those are the only two I can still remember.

I believe this may represent prophetic art, and how each artist may have a different perspective, yet still have art that is Christ-centered. Yet I know there is more to it.

Any other thoughts?

Yeshua's Beloved <><

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:48 pm
by Blessings
Different cultures are also like seeing through different lenses. We as missionaries need to be sensitive to other perspectives not finding that we have the only way.By only way is not how we perceive Jesus. He is the only way to the Father. But how we proceed through life, what our values are etc. Do I make sense?Each culture has it's redeeming features.
God also created in us different abilities. Each of us is a piece of art. I see these people as pieces of art, individually made but Christ is the center of it all.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 8:57 am
by cbass
hey there,, yes I agree! when I was reading the title of your dream I felt in my spirit that different christians,, prophets,,see things differently but all representing one sole purpose in christ.