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The world is lost

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:09 pm
by sigmon2
Hi all
Had this dream monday morning.......
I was drawn to a cliff in the was desert like surroundings.......I started to look over and I saw the earth falling into what was a deep canyon with a gushing swift river below. I reached out to grab the earth but could not.....I said to myself it was like a big melon ball......I could see the features of the earth as it fell into the river......I thought it was going to hit the jagged rocks at first but it landed in a pool of moving water bumped against the rocks and bounced around as the the water carried it away further and further away with no way to rescue it......the steep sides of the canyon had no way down.....and soon the earth rounded a corner and it was gone, forever...........I rose up and I was suddenly in a fight with 3 other - 4 of us in total - and we were in armor....with sword and bow and arrows.......we were really fighting each other but not in hate just fighting......and we were talking like we were friends as we fought......I shot an arrow and I was told good job, just like I taught you....finally after some more heavy fighting, we tired and were next to each other being kind....I pulled the arrow out of the guy I shot and showed him the belly fat that came out with it and we looked at it and the dream ended.........................

I know we do not like doom and gloom on this site but the earth is beyond recovery, we must save as many as we can and teach as many as we can to be ready to endure the suffering that is coming......if the second part matching my guess....Christians have got to stop fighting Christians and get ready for what the Bible describes as a very bad time for Christians at the end.......
of course I could be wrong but I do not think so this time.......the promise of the Lord to me that I would see the Anti Christ before my death seemes to be headed that way.............
see ya

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:57 pm
by Krista
I've had the same feelings myself scott.

God told me one morning waking up that he was teaching me discernment, because things were going to get so hairy you wouldn't even be able to trust your own thoughts at times.


Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:23 am
by Jehu
I think the answer to the problem of a lost world is what happened afterward. We have to engage eachother with a willingness to be wrong, and learn from others.

Re: The world is lost

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:46 pm
by shine
sigmon2 wrote: .......the promise of the Lord to me that I would see the Anti Christ before my death seemes to be headed that way.............
see ya
When & how did you get the revelation I quoted from you?

Hi All

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 6:10 pm
by sigmon2
Hi All
Hi Shine, William, Krista
I wanted to mention something here ....what I meant about lost was that it was always lost and to be destroyed but God the Father according to the Word was lingering till He was ready to move to the next step in His plan....Christians can always make a difference one way or the other - I mean we can give him reason to linger or not to linger........but He does have a end planned cause He told us so.........
Shine when I was younger, I was called to a specific task...when I said yes....I was shown events to occur related to me and my direction/ the Christians around me thought I was nuts and wanted me to shut up and go away.....even voted out a pastor cause he would not shut me up but I was young and no one understood......what do you say when the Lord comes and touches the crown of your head after you say yes to His service or that He has spoken to you or you have been in His presence more than 2 hands can count, maybe three.....the Anti Christ vision was a promise made while I was awake and another was in the room.....The room slowly got dark and I was in the middle of a war scene - this I looking to be here in America - then some blackness(means not allowed to see) then more fighting - war with Islam/their friends - then I saw the temple in Jerusalem with the Anti Christ and the false Prophet on a pyrimid style podium claiming the throne of God with me and a few others as prisoners....of course there were those cheering and soldiers guarding.......then straight into another war - Asian coming - then a light - it was over...........then reality returned and the person in the room never knew what happen.........
I also had another word during those younger days...there will be a traitor in our government and will bring America down or try.....he is sneaky and is wearing an purple arab headdress with a blue band holding it on, I look into his eyes and he is evil....and the Government is under his control and its force turns on its people, esp Christians but it is attacked from all directions of the compass n,e,s,w,...( this is why I believe in G. Washington's vision so much).......I believe this man (in the arab headdress) to be a president because in the vision I was shown pictures of presidents to come before him.........................
For me dreams and visions have been tormeting me since I was younger because I had no ideal how to view them...but as day by day goes by and dream after dream goes by......oh boy.....

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:11 pm
by Krista
I think though that if the dreams don't come with peace, that's no good. I do think its possible to be shown things and not feel a sense of panic.

We will see what happens. I believe that islam was rejected over the western world, I think it will be the catholic church.