Ganged up on me dream

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Ganged up on me dream

Post by RadRave »

I had a dream the other night that had me scarred. It was a dream in which I felt like I was ganged up on, by some people I know.

I was at a friend's house, it was a get together. See, most of my friends in real life are Filipino, so I'm pretty much in the minority whenever I'm with them.

And so, I had a dream, where someone came in with this very delicious burger that looked so delicious. He left it there to as he went to get something real quick. I ate half of this delicious meal, because I was so hungry, and I honestly enjoyed it. For some reason, I decided to be mean and play a joke on him. I ended up putting toothpaste in the burger when he came to eat it.

He came back, and ate it and got pretty angry with me. I said, "I'm sorry, I'll get you another one." All of a sudden, everyone gangs up on me and gets really mad at me. They got mad at me for spoiling the food and playing a joke on him, and I said, "Yeah, I'm sorry, I know what I did was wrong, but I was just doing it all in silly fun and that I'll pay it back." I think I may have said something racy or something, I can't remember it exactly, but I feel that I somehow did. Needless to say, everyone was ganging up on me and chased me and pitted me into a corner.

A friend of mine when I found a safe spot came up to me and told me the lines of, "Man, you shouldn't have done that man. The way I would've handled it would've been much better." I told him to shut up, and to quit talking like he knew everything and thinking he's better than everyone else. He left disappointed. I can't really remember much after that, since I think that's where I woke up.

Somehow, I think it has to do with the whole "blood is thicker" saying, since I feel this kind of discrimination upon me alot of the time really.