lost some teeth, an old friend, snowing

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lost some teeth, an old friend, snowing

Post by sing4777 »

I dreamed that I was with my mother and I began to lose the teeth on the upper left side of my mouth ~ 4 teeth in all. (IRL my mother is a dental hygienist) My mother took me to a dentist that she use to work for 15 years ago.

It was on the weekend so we were concerned about whether or not he would be able to help me.
The office was dim lit. He took me to the chair, my mother on my left and the dentist (Dr. Wilson) on the right.

All my teeth seemed to be still connected be somehow and he said that he couldn't do implants but that he could make a temporary partial with my real teeth until the implants could be done.

He told me that I should beware that the cost for the implants would be $800 a week... I thought that he said $80 and he corrected me that it would be $800.
He did the partial...

Next I was with an old friend of mine named Stephanie in this single wide trailer. We were sitting on a couch (she was to my left) ~ next to her was a man around the age of 28-30. In a chair next to the couch on my right was another man the same age as the other. This room was dim lit as well.

We were seated on the edge of where we were sitting having an intense conversation as we were eating take out Chinese food.
I began to realize that these men were homosexuals and I began to tell them that it was wrong and they got very angry.

I told my friend that I needed to leave ~ I hugged one of the men and told him that I wasn't trying to be mean and that I loved him ( In Jesus' way). I think he recieved it. He seemed to be concerned about me driving and he told me that a snow storm was on the way and that I needed to go directly home to try to beat the storm.

My 3 daughters were all of the sudden in the room and I began to rush them to get ready to leave.

End of dream...

Not sure what all this means but it's more the feeling I got from the whole dream after waking that has me posting... especially the losing my teeth part and the sadness that I felt for these men in bondage.
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Post by lynnjl83 »

Teeth represent your spiritual life, and losing them can mean that your spiritual life is not as strong as it needs to be. Are you going through a situation where you don't feel as strong as you should be spiritually? Maybe you feel you're lacking intimacy with God or not studying His Word enough?
If this doesn't help disregard.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God in all its righteousness and all these things will be added unto you." Matt. 6:33
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Post by lynnjl83 »

Also do you feel specifically called to minister to homosexuals? Because maybe the teeth part can be affecting you stepping into this ministry.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God in all its righteousness and all these things will be added unto you." Matt. 6:33
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Post by sing4777 »

Your interp of the teeth does ring true for me right now in my life. My husband and I have suffered alot of disappointment over the last few years over a petition we have brought before the Lord that hasn't come to pass and over the summer it finally came to a place where even reading the Bible became painful for us. I know it shouldn't be that way but it's what has happend.

I don't know about being called to minister to homosexuals. I think that anyone that doesn't know the Lord should be ministered to, but I haven't felt a leading to focus in that area... I figured that it must represent something...

Thank you for responding... If there's anything else that could help me understand this dream, it would be most appreciated... Like the $80 and $800 thing etc...

Thank you!