Falling teeth and centipede - Please Help!

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Falling teeth and centipede - Please Help!

Post by songmiracle »

Hello to all,

My dream: I entered a great room with my husband. We were getting ready for an event, when I suddenly saw a tooth on the floor. I picked the tooth and noticed that I already had one in my hand. I looked in the mirror and saw that my teeth were moving out of their place and falling! I also realized that I had two rows of gums. The outer one was totally rotten and the inside one was in better shape. I got into my car to see the dentist. While I was driving dozens of bugs (roaches, spiders, scorpions, etc) were crawling inside my car; I was surprised but not afraid (which is weird because in real life I can’t deal with them). One of the bugs was a centipede which I smashed but a piece of it was still alive and got away.

When I reached the doctor’s office he said that the reason I was loosing my teeth was a centipede in my life. He said that I had to find it and kill it. I got home and gathered my family to ask for help to find the centipede. We were looking and I saw it crawl into a box and called for help because at that point I was afraid of it. I woke up before we got to kill it.

I will greatly appreciate any insights.

God bless,

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Warrior Princess
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Post by Warrior Princess »

Hi Song!

I am seeing that you are entering a "great" new place in your relationship with your husband. This new place is about preparation for something the Lord has planned for you both. I believe the Lord is showing you in this dream that there are some things he wants to take care of to bring this about. It may have something to do with your words and it may be a generational issue. I am seeing that the kind of help you might get from the people you would think to go to or usually go to is going to be too "in the box" or traditional. (You might need to look into inner healing like Cleansing Streams or More Light which I am getting ready to train for and I am hearing is much more effective than traditional healing and deliverance ministry). I also see encouragement in this dream that it might be a process, so be patient and with the 2 rows of gums not to be afraid, that there's hope for things to improve and not to feel condemned because these things are not who you really are. Many times they are passed down from family and we don't even realize. (Happened to me! Actually, I think it pretty much happens to ALL of us. LOL) God sees the heart and he loves us so much he wants us free. He's doing this kind of thing with everyone right now. =)

~Warrior Princess
"Now come the days of the king."
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Post by songmiracle »

Thanks WP. You definitely hit a couple of notes!

God bless you,

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Truth Seeker
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Post by Truth Seeker »


1. Do you know what kind of event you’ll were getting ready for or how you felt about the event?
2. Are you and your husband facing any major decisions?
3. Was your husband with you in the car on the way to the dentist?
4. Are you and your husband thinking about going into a certain ministry together?
Truth Seeker
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Post by songmiracle »

Hello Truth Seeker,

1. We were getting ready for a date. We were taking time for ourselves.

2. Right now we don't know if we will have to make major decisions, because there is a possibility my husband might be transferred to another job site or just get another job. We are thinking of taking the new job site if the offer comes, which means moving to another state or country. I'm also searching for a job.

3. No, he wasn't in the car with me. He stayed behind taking care of other things, which I don't remember right now.

4. My husband is a senior pastor for a small congregation. He also holds a full time job. We are thinking in begininning a church group focused on building sound relationships.

I hope this helps.

God bless,
