python / cobra

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python / cobra

Post by Lillian »

Could someone help with this, I've noticed others are having dreams about snakes; what is going on?

I had this dream last week:

I was pulling into my driveway in my car and I parked right next to a little pond on the right side of the driveway. This was not my house IRL, but it was the location of my IRL house. The house, in the dream was just given to me and I was arriving there for the first time.

My car window was open and really low to the ground. I saw a snake in the pond right outside my window, so I closed the window. I backed out of the driveway really fast so that I could pull back in, more to the right away from the pond with the snake.

As I was pulling in, a female police officer pulled in behind me, I thought she was going to say something about how fast I pulled back into the driveway, but she wanted to warn me about the snake.
We were standing in the driveway, I asked her how did she know about the snake and then it came out of the pond towards us.

I think I asked her what kind of snake it was and she said it was a python, but I was thinking that it looked more like a cobra because of the wide head. It was also much smaller on the driveway than it was in the pond. It was only about a foot long.

I went to hit it with my pocketbook and then it slithered away.

My children were then present and we all (police officer included) went to the house to go in. I pulled out my keys that the person who just gave me the house, gave me; and we all went inside.

it was beautiful inside and fully furnished, we took off our shoes just inside the door, in the foyer and walked up 3 steps into the living area. I noticed the beautiful carpet and other furnishings and then I woke up.

He's not a baby in a manger anymore! He's not a broken man on a cross! He didn't stay in the grave and He's not staying in heaven forever!.....He's alive!....People get ready Jesus is coming!
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Post by discerning »

Hi, Lillian. In a rush & will come back to your dream later but in the meantime, wanted to share this teaching.

Be encouraged!

I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning...
Ezekiel 3:17
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Post by charlie »

Lillian...what an encouraging dream! The teaching that DIscerning has linked to is very helpful...I have been badly affected by Python in the past especially (always a lurking threat) and I dreamed once that a python was wrapped around my torso and every time I tried to speak its grip the time in the real I was so badly affected that every time I had a speaking engagement in the ministry we were involved with at the time, I could hardly breath or get out of bed (normally i have no problems with public speaking or getting out of bed) was such a battle and such a lot of "pneuma" was squeezed out of me during that watchful...

I see the policewoman as representing a part of you which is vigilent and always ready to "enforce law and order". The pond may denote a body of stagnant no fresh water and movement...we know there is a river of life but a pond.....

The keys to your home seems such a blessing...but the threat of the snake lurks in the pond..mmm...the snake is smaller on the drive...a snake in the water is less clearly discerned...on the land you can see it more clearly and "get its measure"...that it is still small may indicate that it is a smaller threat but a threat nonetheless...just be watchful and vigilent...

I am reminded of this song "Better is one day in your courts" By Matt Redman ... re=related

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Lillian »

Thanks Discerning,
I looked at it briefly, as I'm short on time this morning, but I will most definitely dig into it. Much appreciation.

Thanks charlie,
I do see where the enemy is trying to come against me and I have been before the Lord for those things.....I'm most confident that He will see me through as I am obedient to Him.

I am thanking Him for that vigilant spirit that He has placed in me, I know it very well. I am doing a lot of things in ministry and I know the enemy does not like it, but he had just better back off! I refuse to be intimidated. Please keep me in your prayers for those areas that I need help with, more specifically in my personal life.....displaying patience with my children, and being a good steward with my time.

Sometimes it is difficult to see raising my family as part of ministry, but I know that it is. But thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph!

I am very encouraged by your replies and very appreciative.

BTW, Charlie, I like that song very much, Thanks!

Love to you guys.
He's not a baby in a manger anymore! He's not a broken man on a cross! He didn't stay in the grave and He's not staying in heaven forever!.....He's alive!....People get ready Jesus is coming!
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snake dream

Post by Busymumforfour »

As I was reading through your dream I felt that a strong holy spirit presence with this dream. The whole dream meant that you have defeated a time of confrontation and enemy attack which prevented you from recieving Gods full blessing and intention. Yes definitely.
The snake was defeated by you as you were to enter your new house. The snake wasnt in the house and fled at you defending yourself. You were made to stay and confront instead of fleeing.
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Post by Lillian »

The whole dream meant that you have defeated a time of confrontation and enemy attack which prevented you from recieving Gods full blessing and intention. Yes definitely

That is very much on point!

I had an idea about the pond, then about the snake. But I believe you have summed it up to a T.

I have battled with fear for a long time, and I have been standing on the Word and walking in the light of what God is showing me to do.

I posted a bit about it a while ago and in the whole situation I knew what I needed to do, but I wanted the feelings of fear to go away before I did what I needed to do.

It didn't. But I just kept pressing on, no matter how I felt and now I can say that the feelings of fear are no more!

Praise God for His faithfulness!

I didn't really make that connection in the dream, but thank you for pointing that is just all the more confirmation of what God is doing in my life, and how we overcome!

Blessings on you!
He's not a baby in a manger anymore! He's not a broken man on a cross! He didn't stay in the grave and He's not staying in heaven forever!.....He's alive!....People get ready Jesus is coming!