The Big Bus

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The Big Bus

Post by Demon_Buster »

Big Bus:
I was on a big bus I was the driver I was just driving along my speed was ok.
At one point I went down the wrong street it keep getting more narrow then I came to a dead end with a pig pit in the ground like a building was there but now it’s gone.
I was unable to see to back up because the bus was very long and had so side view mirrors, but manage to get help from people on the street [don’t know where they came from] I backed out slowly avoiding the cars parked on the street, and manage to get the bus back on the main road.

I drove on and almost hit children on the road and I could see mothers picking up their children just as the bus got near. I came to a hill I lost control of the bus and went down sideways till I got to the bottom there was a lot of mud that’s why I went down the road sideways

In another part I had to get the bus from the side of a building it was stuck there so I went over and carried the bus on my shoulder and on my back, then but the bus upright on the ground.
I saw people looking at me as I carried the bus.

In another part I was at someone’s home an apartment I heard her get the door it was the police [ but did not look like a policeman ] I got nervous when I heard the police say to her “ I am here about the bus ‘. So I went out her back door so they could not catch me.

Blessings to you all

Demon Buster

PS not all of the dream but the parts I remember most.
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Post by Demon_Buster »

Big Bus:
I was on a big bus I was the driver I was just driving along my speed was ok.
At one point I went down the wrong street it keep getting more narrow then I came to a dead end with a pig pit in the ground like a building was there but now it’s gone
This part sould be changed a bit.
the bulding that use to be there was the church I use to go to but it was gone.

Blessinge to you all.

Great changes are comming to china.
keep your eyes on china
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Post by charlie » a couple of thoughts to egt the ball rolling:

Definition of bus:

A long motor vehicle for carrying passengers, usually along a fixed route.
Informal. A large or ungainly automobile.

What strikes me is that buses are fine as long as they stick to the appointed they don't deviate onto roads that are not part of their route....that is not what they are designed or permitted to do...that is when they cease to be a service and begin to be a threat and a nuisance.

It seems to me that your bus has got off track and in doing so is causing a lot of damage...and especially here it seems is a threat to little children. You have embarked on a slippery slope it seems which is putting both yourself and others in grave danger...yet it seems that you are not willing to let go of the bus...and literally a STRONG HOLD enables you to get that bus back where you want seems that bus has a BIG HOLD ON YOUR IDENTITY.

I believe that you are aware that the law of sin and death are operating close to you and you are not facing up to the consequences.

In summary I think that this is a very serious warning dream. Following on from a previous dream which has been removed I would consider DM it would be wise for you to seek help. I believe that you know where help is needed and I believe that you know that God is able to deliver you but that He will usually use people to administer His grace...

I offer my insight humbly recognising I only see in part. My prayer for you is that you enter more fully into true freedom and wholeness that Abba offers you. If you want to drive that bus you may have to take time out for further training.

Prayerfully and with concern
Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Demon_Buster »

Thanks Charlie for the interp, at first I though it was way of base, then I took it to the lord, over a few days He showed me what was wrong...again I want to thank you...

I am not telling you so you will get filled up with pride as some do.
Iknow deep in my heart you won’t do that and I normally don’t send parse to someone for a good interp, but this time I am doing as the lord puts on my heart, to let you know the Lord is with you.

With love in our Lord

Demon Buster
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Post by charlie »

...bless you for your humility and for your gift of only prayer is you overcome he that is in the world...that the love and grace of Abba nurtures you from your innermost being...

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3