beauty contest -hair hacked off

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beauty contest -hair hacked off

Post by Charys »

I was in a beauty pageant. I was young and beautiful (I liked this part) with long flowing hair. My friend Amy was styling my hair in a 1940's fashion because she thought it would be unique. (It was a style called "the victory roll" and no, I'm not that old) The girls were walking around practising for their talent portions of the contest. I started singing, but my voice was morning-ish. I did some warm-up exercises and then sang loudly, trying to impress the judge who was walking around in the preparation area for some reason. Suddenly my friend took some big scissors and hacked off my long hair leaving it jagged and ugly at the back. I was shocked and asked her why she did that and she said I didn't need it anymore and she would fix my hair before I needed to go on stage.
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Post by Newwine »

Charys, aren't you the funny one and love that you can laugh at yourself.

I am reminded of Esther and how she sought to know what pleased the King.

I don't know how well I see your dream but will share somethings that may or may not apply.

Young and beautiful. I love it. I think this is showing you a wonderful aspect of you. The styling appears to speak of just an outward way of displaying something that isn't necessarily who you are. Your friend appears to like the older style for you and styles your hair for you. This may speak of her personal preferences for you in that aspect.

1 Corinthians (believe it is chapter 11) speaks of a women's hair as her glory and covering. With that reference something just came to me but don't know how well it applies.

Back in the older days of our society women were not seen with the privileges men had. We couldn't vote and other things, but with progression things have changed. Somethings I feel have progressed beyond the wisdom of God but just using as an example.

Anyway, that section in 1 Corinthians to me speaks of a women being in a submissive role to a man. Yet it continues to say (which lines up with Ephesians on that matter) that in the Lord Jesus men and women share equal footing.

I feel what the Lord's Spirit through Paul is trying to share is that when there is a disunity in Christ, there is a framework in order to keep peace and allow the Lord to work in the situation. In that framework the women is in a submissive role to her husband (and not speaking of awful abuses that may be present), but in unity in Christ that wall is torn down and there is no longer Jew or Gentile, male or female, etc.

Anyway, I do like the name of the style. May speak of a victory postioning there and seeing you are in front of a judge this may speak of the framework role. Father God being the wonderful Father He is, due to the situation in the days of old, often took on his role as a judge. The law provided them a framework that would not be needed as we are in Christ. And it is a progressive journey in Him, from revelation to revelation, glory to glory as we are transformed into his image in that process so as I said earlier, the framework is still in place for disunity purposes. Not to change us (we who are in Christ are tranformed and led by the Lord's Spirit who leads by Jesus) for that only comes from Jesus work within and will burst out the framework as we flow in his fruits of the Spirit.

Don't know how revelant that may all be to your dream but may help some. Moving on.

Singing to me speaks of sharing at that deeper level, like being moved in spirit and the best disposition there is being moved in our spirits by the Lord's Spirit.

Sis, I like to check my motivation at heart for doing something. We will reap the best results as we come from the Lord's Heart / Spirit in wanting what He wants for the benefit of his work and humanity. Maybe some things that area that may need some addressing (not that I am perfect there myself). If the Lord is the judge it may be about trying to hard to impress Him with your talents. Know how we can work hard at trying to impress Him and win his approval?

And not sure about what your friend did there yet it appears you are seeing it as ugly and jagged. You may be discerning there that this wasn't what was called for.

And now I got me a thought and hoping I didn't give you a nasty haircut :shock: :roll: :?: so do pray about it and feel free to toss what may not fit.

Love in Him,
Enjoy the journey
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Post by Charys »

Thank you, Newwine. I shall take some time to prayerfully consider this.
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Post by Charys »

God can be so much fun. This morning I was trying to come up with a creative way of telling the Paul and Silas non-prison break via earthquake story. I googled a bunch of stuff which led to a youtube video of a church singing "Shake the Foundation with Praise". Here's the interesting part; there were 120 comments under the video. I read them out of curiosity and most of them were about how women must have long hair --and some that questioned if they are really "covered" if their hair is in a fancy bun and not loose and if there ought to be head coverings and if the "platform rules" are being broken if someone has a slit in her skirt etc. etc. etc. etc. etc............

That led to some curious rabbit trails of video demos on how to do "Apostolic hair" (???) -no braiding but a lot of coiling, twisting, backcombing and hairspray -a new culture for me -but it looked just like the 1940's "victory roll" kind of fashion from my dream. But I (also) digress.

The words of the song are about tearing down strongholds and breaking chains and the focus on Jesus Christ is completely diverted by an argument about what constitutes a woman's glory and rules and regulations devoid of grace.

Whoa! Newwine! You flicked a switch. This dream is about glory and the source of glory. More than that. This dream and the bus/diner dream and the creative/reactive dream ( in Keilani's post "and once again")


are all connected.

When Amy (the "loved one", who is an intercessor) cut my hair off she said, "you don't need this anymore." as in your own glory. You don't need to rely on your own glory anymore! The singing was about my own strength as well. (I used to be an opera singer) I knew I was naturally stronger in this area than the other girls in the beauty contest. You're right. I was trying to impress the judge with my own talents. The beauty contest was about winning recognition and approval. The question is, how does God see me? Am I qualified to be a priestess in His kingdom?

This afternoon I read this. Wow. 2 Cor. 3

4Such confidence as this is ours through Christ before God. 5Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. 6He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

In the diner/bus dream I think I need a "husband" to speak for me. Yet there is also the warning that there is a temptation there to gather glory for myself.

It's starting to come together. Thank you for your help.

12Since we have such [glorious] hope (such joyful and confident expectation), we speak very freely and openly and fearlessly.

18And all of us, as with unveiled face, [because we] continued to behold [in the Word of God] as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are constantly being transfigured into His very own image in ever increasing splendor and from one degree of glory to another; [for this comes] from the Lord [Who is] the Spirit.
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