Crowned Queen of England

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Crowned Queen of England

Post by Taps »

I would appreciate your thoughts on this dream please. By the way.. I really like the new Tehillah Dreams at the top left of the page. Very Nice, uncluttered look.

I was in the palace in London. I was there for some kind of press conference or something. To hear someone speak I think. There weren't a lot of people at this meeting and I was in the audience. There was a gentleman there who was wondering who the next Queen would be. I secretly knew that I would be. That it would be me. He was wondering aloud and it reminded me of in You've got Mail when Joe said to Kathleen... “he could be anyone, he could be this person right here.” It felt kind of like, you know one day it will happen... you'll be queen someday. That kind of feeling.

Then I was outside in the city or something. I had my suitcase as I was a visitor to this place and my family was with me. Then out of the blue, I am named the next Queen. I was shocked. Absolutely shocked. I didn't how this was possible. They went outside the family line. While I knew it could happen and would happen some day... what surprised me was that it actually happened. That the time had arrived without me even being aware of it.
The same gentleman that was wondering earlier about who would be the next queen saw me. He was surprised too because he remembered me from the meeting when I was a common subject of the kingdom.. and nothing more.
I said to him... “You know the funny thing about this... is that our ancestors are from Scotland.” What was going through my mind in the dream is that I was a descendant from a country that they fought and conquered and now this country's descendant would rule over them.

I was asked by one person whether I was good at public speaking. I said "don't ask me, ask this person sitting here, (this gentleman) whether I can speak because he has heard me. I don't have a problem with public speaking," I said. "The problem I have with this is, what I will say? I don't know WHAT to say. " I was so amazed, shocked that I was chosen for this I was at a loss for words.

People were trying to get me ready for my appearance. I had a simple floor length dress on. Like a Laura Ashley dress. But I had no shoes on and I was concerned that I would need to put them on because I couldn't go up to speak in front of all those people with bare feet. They would notice and say something for sure in the newspapers. Like it wasn't proper protocol and it was evident I was a commoner that didn't know how to behave as a queen. So I was going to my room to find a pair of socks and my shoes that I knew were in my suitcase. I hadn't seen my husband since this all began or my son. But I did see a friend of mine in one of the hallways dressed as a page in black velvet as I headed back to my room. She also had what looked like two strips of white gauze-like material crossed over back and forth to the knee as part of her outfit. (this person IRL has often behaved as a jelaous elder brother toward me in my spiritual life accusing me of different things even though she claims to love me. I believe she does deep down but this other thing gets in the way and is an underlying current of discontentment toward me) I looked at what I was wearing and thought perhaps I should be wearing something more fitting for the event. Someone mentioned I should be getting my nails done but I didn't think there was enough time for all this pampering to prepare me before I had to speak.

I was also concerned for my cats. There were cats in the palace. Big black cats with black claws on them the size of raccoon claws. They were friendly enough toward me, but they looked strong and I was worried that they would be territorial and not nice to my cats. My two cats don't have any front claws and wouldn't be able to defend themselves. So I thought I should just keep them in my room for awhile. There was also this larger lion looking type cat only it was grey walking around. Strange.

Later when I awoke and started thinking about this dream... I fell back asleep and some things started to happen. I walked into my room and there was this beautiful red floor length satin dress for me to wear. I looked at it and pondered, Oh my... that is definitely going to stand out. There is nothing quiet about that colour. It was beautiful.

I would be next Queen and I believe my husband would also be King alongside me. I envisioned the crown to be a very simple gold one with perhaps a single jewel in it... because although I was queen, there was One who would be the True Sovereign over me and I understood I was just a representative of this.
This dream may have come as an answer to a question I asked the Lord before I fell asleep... “Is there any substance in my life? Is there any Substance to my Faith?' Because often it can feel that I have everything I need to bring change to this world and yet it seems to lack substance.
Last edited by Taps on Sun Dec 05, 2010 9:54 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Taps » ... rever1.jpg

This is kind of what the dress and crown looked like. Red Satin like this. (This dress is called.. Now and Forever) Fitted with more pleats up top and perhaps a little less visible cleavage.

Here is a closer view of the crown entitled... Celtic Trinity circlet ... cts_id=104

I don't know how to upload pics so if you clicked on the links, it would take you the page that has the image on it.
It was pretty spectacular if you ladies had a look... and the men were wearing double breasted button suits.
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Post by Charys »

Hi Taps,

As I prayed about your dream, this is what I saw.

The Queen position is like Esther. You have done nothing to deserve this, but you are called for such a time as this. You do not have the background usually associated with people given to people given this position. (Wondering about the "credentials" the world often expects -like advanced degrees or ordination or previous positions of authority?)

Bare feet -humility, aware you are standing on holy ground.
Going back for shoes and socks (fetching picture with simple girlish Laura Ashley dress :wink: ) looking for protection for your walk as you need protection from the cold and dirt and nastiness on the street.

Red satin dress. You may have a lot more visibility than you are comfortable with, and receive more attention than you want. It's flattering and more than you expect, but a little uncomfortable. It's almost costume like because it is part of the role of this position. You need to step into it and wear it with grace.

Cats =I hear "catty people". Critics. Competitive people. Your cats are clawless. Have they had their claws removed? Perhaps this is about about learning over time not to respond to aggressive words with more aggressive words. Seeing the claws as temper. Is this something the Lord has been removing? You worry about how to defend yourself when you cannot respond in kind. You take your tendency to want to respond back sharply into a private room (prayer?) The large grey lion-looking cat stalks -watch out for negativity or perhaps depression in this one. This may be more of a spiritual stalker than an actual person.

Friend in gauze. Seeing the gauze over her clothing as bandages that treat her wounds superficially -not getting down to the real thing. Nevertheless she functions as a page who is a servant with the task of running messages from higher ranked servants.

Public speaking -book tour? Not knowing what to say -The Lord will give you the right words at the right time.

Crown, simple and light weight. Just as Jesus' said his burdens are light, so is this crown is meant to be light, not a heavy burden. Wear it lightly and do not allow it to wield more authority than you have. I once heard the Queen complain that she didn't enjoy posing in full regalia because that crown is so heavy. Queen E. is head of a constitutional monarchy; she's not an absolute authority. She does not make proclamations or decisions on her own. She is in submission to a higher government. She reads and delivers the speech from the throne, but she does not write it herself.

Taps, as I prayed about your dream, I saw a picture of an incredibly beautiful necklace with seven equally spaced tear-drop shaped diamonds. Then I realized they were actual tears. They sparkled and were full of light. How precious your tears have been in the sight of the Lord. They are an adornment. He prizes them.

--for your discernment---
...that I might know Him...
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Re: Crowned Queen of England

Post by charlie »

Taps wrote:“Is there any substance in my life? Is there any Substance to my Faith?' Because often it can feel that I have everything I need to bring change to this world and yet it seems to lack substance.
Taps...brings this song to mind by Jarrod Cooper

King of Kings, Majesty,
God of heaven, living in me
Gentle Savior, closest friend,
Strong Deliverer, Beginning and End
All within me falls at Your throne

Your Majesty, I can but bow
I lay my all before You now
In royal robes I don't deserve
I live to serve Your Majesty

Earth and heaven worship You,
God Eternal, Faithful and True
Who bought the nations,
ransomed souls
Brought this sinner
near to Your throne
All within me cries out in praise

and this passage.....

Ephesians 2

Made Alive in Christ

1 As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. 3 All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh[a] and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. 4 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. 6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. 8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

I see in your dream a sense of transition and preparation for your assignment for such a time as this...

That you know not what to say shows that you recognise the need to wait upon Abba for his Words-

That you are outside the family line heightens the emphasis on being an outside...the prophet is usually most effective on the periphery of power where he/she may less likely be corrupted by it...but can still see it for what it is...

Your task may have an imperial focus...that is you may need to see and recognise the perspectives and powers which lay at the core of world imperial powers and systems (today of course these are not usually vested in royalty) but the same ancient powers which demand loyalty and which have extensive control...such as that described by the beasts of revelation...are at loose in our world today...

mmmmmm... much grace to you sister!

Jesus said: I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3
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Post by Taps »

Thankyou very much for the time you took Charys to look at my dream and pray for understanding.

We have seen Many of the same things. I started to seek an understanding for it when I saw that it might not be one people wanted to tackle. Perhaps due to it's length or content. I also chatted with a friend about it over the phone and that opened up some things.
Thank you for wading through it for me. In my understanding of the dream, I wrote down many of the same words and illustrations that you did.

For instance... Esther... and I also likened David. And the lack of shoes I saw as humility also because of 'walking on Holy Ground'.
You're right about the red satin dress in all you wrote. I used similar imagery and statements as well as a few other connections.

Thank you also for delineating the role of the Queen as you saw it. I hadn't taken the interp that far and I appreciate what you had to share there.
You have spoken by the Spirit and I thank you again, friend, for your insight.

The necklace... funny I did see a necklace also but didn't say anything about it. Pearls are also representative of tears in some cultures and that is what I saw. Thank you for mentioning what you did about the diamonds. As we know diamonds are formed under extreme pressure. I can attest that this is a true experience of my life journey into Christ. Pearls are formed through irritants that grate on the inside of a person. Like Paul and his thorn. Through this, much wisdom is gleaned. I can declare this to be the case in my life. Bless you for seeing it and bringing it into the discussion. Give them Beauty for ashes.

Here are my thoughts that I wrote on the cats.
The cats... hmmmm... their cats... vs my cats. Spirits? My cats are loyal. Harmless. Family. (Yes they are declawed IRL and in the dream)
Theirs were large and intimidating to a new cat coming into the environment. Territorial.
I can't have the dethroned Queen and her family come alongside me to help me adjust to life in this role and capacity. While they have been trained for it, by living it their whole life and could be helpful to me in making my transition... their allegiance is not secure. It wouldn't be me they were serving.
Kind of like when a new government moves in, it brings with it, it's own members of their legislative party to govern. I would need to do the same. The former Queen and her family would have to move out. Which if I translate that last line... Anything that was in government before I and my family arrived to take position as ruling Royal Monarch on behalf of the Kingdom of God, would have to be completely removed.

The thing that truly surprises me about this dream is that it is a position, like Queen Esther, that I hold Now. Not some time in the future, which is what I was musing on when that gentleman was wondering aloud who the next queen would be. Yet there still needs to be a formal recognising of this so to speak. And I do need to be dressed, according to my station in life and presented to the people. (whatever ThAT means. Not sure what that will look like)
So as you mention above Charlie... I guess there is substance in my life of Faith. ( I think we were posting at the same time. :) thanks so much for taking the time to add your thoughts. I appreciate it very much and find your words to be very encouraging.)

Cheers... and Blessings...
Last edited by Taps on Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Crowned Queen of England

Post by Taps »

charlie wrote:
That you are outside the family line heightens the emphasis on being an outside...the prophet is usually most effective on the periphery of power where he/she may less likely be corrupted by it...but can still see it for what it is...

Your task may have an imperial focus...that is you may need to see and recognise the perspectives and powers which lay at the core of world imperial powers and systems (today of course these are not usually vested in royalty) but the same ancient powers which demand loyalty and which have extensive control...such as that described by the beasts of revelation...are at loose in our world today...

mmmmmm... much grace to you sister!

I know EXACTLY what you mean sister. Thank you for pointing this out. I needed to hear this the way you have put it.
God Bless you with increasing sight.

affectionately.. Taps
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Post by bjcollin »

Thanks, I designed the new logo at the old website which now points to There are many interesting ideas and tools there for logo design.

As for your dream, here is what I feel on it.... To become queen/king, you usually need to first become a princess/prince. As common Christians we are all children of the King, so we are all princes an princesses whether we know it or not. The Bible says that we have the right to become children of God (ref John 1:12-13) and that we are a kingdom of priests (ref Exodus 19:6, Revelation 1:6 and 5:10). We each have the ability to rule and reign with Him, but we need to learn to walk in this spiritual authority and it is a spiritual battle all the way. (ref Ephesians 6:12, Mark 10:41-45). It seems that your in the process of getting ready for a spiritual promotion. The informality and the lack of shoes say to me that your not formally ready nor walking in this yet so this dream seems to be for the future. Your friend dressed in black as a page to me shows she is in the position of a servant but not ready to enter into rule herself yet, and the white gauze bandages on her to me say that God is in the process of healing her and He needs to bring her into that place of learning humility (knee). The crown to me speaks of eternal life or reward (ref 2 Timothy 4:8, James 1:12, 1 Peter 5:4, Revelation 2:10) The red length dress to me speaks of needing to clothe yourself in Godly wisdom (ref Prov 3:13). Hope this helps.

in Christ,