keep it perfect

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keep it perfect

Post by connie »


Looking for confirmation:

I don't remember some of the events in the following dream but I do feel led to post what I do remember:

One of my staff members, Teri, and her 2 young daughters came to help me. Wherever I was at was not my home and it wasn't the workplace. I think the location was in a country setting. Teri drove over in her mini-van. She was open and willing to help me in whatever way she could. I borrowed her van to drive over to help a person in trouble or in need.

Before I left, I had spoken with Teri as she sat at my kitchen table (not my IRL kitchen). She had her usual wide, warm, willing smile on her face. I explained to her what I needed her help with (I can't remember what it was). Teri's response was yes, of course. I left her sitting at the table.

When I returned to the location where Teri was at, I parked her van across the street, in front of an old wood-sided building. The building was reminiscent of an old Wild West type of saloon. I got out of the perfectly immaculate van and started to search the passenger side seats and flooring of the van for possible crumbs or specks of dirt. I felt compelled to leave Teri's van in the same perfect condition that she kept it in. I felt nervous. End

Just a quick note: I understand the difference between the spirit of perfectionism and excellence. About Teri; Teri is an excellent employee in her job performance and professional attitude.. no greebles in her. In fact, the Lord impressed upon me these past 1.5 years to give her the honor due her when all the former managers ignored her over her 18 years of service. When the Lord moves to honor a humbled one, it's magnificent to behold :D sorry, I digress.

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Post by keilani »


from the old dream symbol site, I recall a van could be a move in the spiritual realm, either good or bad.

For some reason, I get the impression of Teri being Holy Spirit, someone who helps us walk out the call and who empowers/enables us to fulfill Abba's perfect will.

Country setting--more rural, maybe an area that doesn't normally have the attention of the masses but where there is still a need as you said you took the van to help "people in trouble or need". ie. bigger city churches knowing there is a homeless/hungry problem and addressing it. Maybe this situation is one that is on a smaller, more familiar scale. In the past I dreamt of a small farm town I was living in as in the country not city or even suburbs and I understood it to mean a smaller, tight-knit community where everyone knows each other.

Is it possible this dream is about an area of your influence where there is that type of country, close knit, everyone familiar with each other type of feel that He is directing you to harvest in?

OH! And you being meticulous about cleaning the van I sensed as a spirit of excellence, being attentive to every detail and not being sloppy....tending to all that needs to be tended to and I know this is how HS would like us to work in all things we do :D

shalom and may He continue to direct your steps!
***More To Come***

Eph 3:8...proclaim to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ 9
and...enlighten everyone about God’s secret plan—a secret that has been hidden for ages in God who has created all things.