Jim Morrison Teaching Elementary School

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Jim Morrison Teaching Elementary School

Post by Newbie »

I am dropping something off to my daughter's elementary school. Apparently, several sidewalk entraces are blocked off except one. I am walking into her class and it seems a couple of children enjoy my company. So I stay a while and play with them ad teach them. Soon my daughter's teacher approaches and for a minute I forgot why I originally came, I collected my thoughts and gave him something (can't recall, there is more to this classroom scene but cannot recall). I notice that the teacher is the late-Jim Morrison of the Doors. He thanked me and I left, on the way out I came in contact with some parents that was amazed or amused that I different than I used to be. I recalled that I was nicely dressed in head to toe cream color and I was walking back towards my car. EOD
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Post by Newbie »

James Douglas Morrison: Supplanter, black water, "dark, skin Moor" Moor is muslim from N. Africa???
singer is deceased and I believe in the dream he wore a white poet shirt and brown leather pants or black leather pants.
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Post by Jehu »

I think it has to do with recognizing someone that you felt you could not recognize, it is key for them and for you. I think this is your husband I think, maybe your old one...or something. Children will learn from this. You entered the school on a sidewalk entrance. The side walk is marriage or the two walking together. I know this could be totally off, but that is what I get. It is in a school because you are leaning something through this that will soften your heart and make you more patient with others and will change your feelings about children, perhaps having them.
I hope that helps u.
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Post by lainey68 »

Could it be that there is a door to your past or childhood that needs resolved? I keep getting there's an open door. Since to me dreaming of a dead person would mean the past, maybe it's something you need to pray about. I too also feel it has something to do with children. Lastly, I think the car represents a journey. Maybe a career.

I could be way off base here, so pray about it.
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Post by Newbie »

Thanks Lainey but I believe the open door maybe in regards to which career path to take for my degree path. Jim Morrison is a new symbol for me but I think I need to look at him as something that is poetical because in essence that what he was, a tragic poet. I do see change coming about and see something good. Thans for your assistance.
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Post by Jehu »

Sorry for my Kooky interp. What would you have to give to Jim Morrison?and why would he be teaching kids? I am asking because I strongly identify with Him. I was even prophesied over that one day I would play music like him. There was a season of my life where people were saying I looked like him. In my dreams the side walk has always meant; the walk beside, or marriage. I can say this. I believe your dream is a calling dream. Sometimes I have such a strong personal identification with a dream that it makes it hard to listen for what God would be trying to say to another person. It has been a weakness for me here.
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Post by Newbie »

Hello Jehu, in regards to Morrison I do not recall what I had handed him. Whatever, it was I left soon afterwards. In regards to an open door I believe that Lord is directing me to counsel children vs that of adults. I am finishing up my Bachelors in psychology, but I have only 2 choices for my Masters due to my current location.
Jim Morrison was a singer but he was more of a poet and he was what many would call a tragic figure. In the dream he was not drunk or high but calm and peaceful. So I guess many would be able to learn not to fall in the traps that he did and waste his talent because of his fears. I believe that many like him, Cobain, Joplin, etc.. could not handle their images; it is like their public persona became bigger than life and they try to cope the best way they knew how. If you look at Morrison, you can say he was like a demi-god. I believe their is only one God and the Lord is putting out this message. Many kids are making people, things, and themselves to be demi-gods.
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Post by Jehu »

What I was struck by was the fact that he thanked you. Part of why I am not performing at the level I could is because I am actually afraid of being trapped by my own image. It is why I have also avoided public ministry. I see the trap that most "leaders" fall into. My asking was selfish on my part because I want to enter into my full potential and still have my soul. I have thought that marriage was the key. Also I believe the story of Noah's ark is actually about marriage. Two by two of like kind. I have been wed, but I found that it actually led to more instability and confusion about who I am. When I stand in my place I want others to be blessed and exalted with me.
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Post by Newbie »

Have you asked Him which direction you should take in regards to your marriage and music? That is why I am finally asking Him which why to go. Because I notice when I do things of my own accord or things that feel right, I end up learning a very long and expensive lesson. When I say long, I mean years.
What do feel is your calling?
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yeah like nine years, I believe my calling is reformation and standing on a musical platform rather that a religious one. My personal opinion is that Most all of what we call church does not line up with the stone the builders rejected, and we have gone after deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons. I think 1 Timothy 4 makes that clear. Israel's land is marriage. I had a dream(trance) when I was sixteen where I was playing music in a parking lot in Spokane Wa, with a woman and it was music that i had written and recorded. we were playing to a small crowd of people wearing leather jackets. We were wearing them also. I awoke sitting up in bed laughing with indescribable joy. I had been asking God for a vision for my life. This experience has been like a star that I have steered my course by.
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Post by Jehu »

I believe he has shown me he is going to restore my marriage. I think I have been in the way of that happening.
"For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."
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Post by Newbie »

Well Jehu, sometimes the hardest part is letting go (when we get in our on way of recieving our blessings). I have faith that you will recieve your blessing in both your calling and marriage. I will put you and your wife in my prayers. I know that the enemy loves using this tactic of division, just look t how he cause a division of sorts between Adam and Eve. He hates that he was once in heaven and so close to the Father and then casted out because of his foolishness. You know the saying misery loves company. Just hold on, a change is going come for you.
Be bless,
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Post by Jehu »

Thank you so much.
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bumping up