The Portal, the Fireball, and the explosion in Kansas CIty

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The Portal, the Fireball, and the explosion in Kansas CIty

Post by iluvyahweh »

I was out in the country somewhere, up in the hills, in a house or a cabin. There were a group of us; some girls were there, possibly from University, who I never really knew well. Barry Ross was there, whom I knew at university, and whom I shared a room with. Next, we were journeying into town. Some travelled by car; but I think that I walked part of the way. The road was across moors and grassland, and it was dark, or twilight.

Next, we were in the city, and it seemed like Edinburgh. We entered a stone building on the right hand side of the road, and it seemed like a pub in Edinburgh (and familiar), but I did not really recognize it by sight. When inside, the whole place was a massive swimming pool, with many rooms, and pillars, and much like the ancient Roman baths. We stood in a group talking, and then I decided that I would go off swimming. The light was muted.

I started swimming around this massive stone building, with different rooms, and pillars, and it seemed like you could order food in the pool itself. Food booths were apparent in the actual swimming pool itself, and they were coloured red leather. I was swimming freestyle, and exploring this swimming pool and building. I may have had a snorkel on.

Next, I went through some doors, and I was standing in a foyer, or massive hall. I was not in the swimming pool now. The hall had little light in it, and it looked like a museum, or an old library. There were stone pillars and stone columns in this hall, that ran to the right and the left of where I was standing. There were large windows in the hall, and it was dark outside. I think the moon was shining full, as it was night time.

Next, I turned around, and I started walking down a corridor. It was a short wide corridor, and dark, and I came to some double doors, with round brass handles on them. The doors were dark brown, old, and very heavy with engraving on them. I pushed through the doors, and the next thing I felt that I’d entered a portal.

What happened next was like I was sucked into the portal, and I began to travelled horizontally, not vertically. What I saw looked very much like Star Wars when the millennium falcon entered hyper drive, and I moved at warp speed through this portal. It was like I was travelling through space.

Next, I was above the earth, and to the side of the earth. I looked and I saw what appeared to be a comet, or a rocket, or a fire ball. I was positioned just over the Atlantic ocean, and could see between the UK and the USA. The fireball, comet, rocket type thing (I really can’t describe it), was moving across the Atlantic at a tremendous speed, and next I could clearly see the map of the USA. Its trajectory was aiming for the center of the USA, and the next thing the fireball landed with a huge explosion in Kansas City, MO.

After a few seconds, there was then a huge explosion in Kansas City, and in my spirit man, I knew that the explosion went into the whole earth. ‘Into the whole earth’ was the phrase that was in my mind. Next, I was taken higher above the earth this time, and I was positioned directly above it (not at the side of the earth, as described above.) I could see the map of Africa, which was my main focus, and also the continent of Europe above it. The map of Africa was green, where the land was.

Suddenly, the map of Africa and south Europe started changing. Many parts of the green map of Africa started to change in to a blue-white colour. I don’t know if it was water that began covering the map, or what it was, but the map of North Africa was changing, and it was caused by the explosion in Kansas City. The main parts of the map that were affected were the West coast or Africa, and especially the North West coast of Africa. The top of Africa was affected too, and possibly as far as Libya, but maybe not quite as far across. South Europe was also affected too.

The change to the map was driven from the Atlantic Ocean, i.e. it came from the West. It appeared like a liquid covered the map, and it seemed like water, but it was not water. It did bubble though, and it had a movement that I've never seen before. Dream end.
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From Kim Clement:

From St. Louis, MO
May 27, 2011 - St. Louis, MO


When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit raises up a standard.

Spirit won’t You come and raise up a standard, raise it up?

The enemy has tried to tear this land but you will restore and revive;

the enemy has tried to tear this land, to tear the land apart.

But I, the Lord, am raising up a standard against the enemy now;

everybody say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

The enemy has tried to steal the hearts of the wounded warriors today.

I have risen up, says the Lord of Hosts, and what I bring forth

is greater than yesterday, greater than yesterday, greater than yesterday.

All that I need is the people of Zion who will prophesy to dead bones.

If you prophesy to the death in your state, I will raise it up for My glory;

raise it up for Your glory, raise it up for Your glory,

raise it up for Your glory (Missouri), raise it up for your glory (the Midwest).

Don’t you remember great men of God who came to this state? They said,

“From this city and from this state the Lord will raise up a shout.”

Now is the time, now is the time, now is the time, says the Lord.


I’ve heard the sound of little ones crying, I watched mothers taken away.

I’ve not turned an ear against the sound of sorrow but I’ve waited to hear someone cry.

I watched as the land was ravished; I listened to the sound of too much crying.

Angels have gathered around the cities; they have declared that the glory of the Lord shall appear; they have declared that the glory of the Lord shall come from the north,

it shall come from the south, and in the middle of this land, the Gateway to the world shall become the gateway to heaven

Cause I’m listening to the sound of the Warriors, listening to the sound

of the broken-hearted; yet again, I declare I’m coming to you.

Take it not lightly, as I listen to the sound, listen to the sound of fathers crying as they watched their children go away, wondering where, where, where is the Lord of Hosts in this time? Where is He now? Where are you Lord?

I will appear again, says the Lord, and I will come to your land and heal the pain; and I will raise your young ones up. The gateway to the west has become the gateway to heaven.

It was a wind that tore the mountains as Elijah stood waiting to hear from the Lord.

The wind tore it – destruction. Elijah knew, Elijah knew that God was not in the wind. When all the silence had come to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah? For I’m about to pour a double portion upon My house. I’m about to pour a double portion upon the prophets of this land.” So God says, “Now that same time has come. The wind has come and now is the end of the spirit of Jezebel that has controlled your children, the church, and the leaders,” says the Lord. Give Him a shout! Lift your voice! Call to Him, call to Him! Lift your voice!

“Hear me again,” says the Spirit of God, “as I stand amongst you. My people, this is not the end. Many say it is an economic downfall, it is the end,” but God said, “are you watching? Deep from within the earth, I will cause My nation, whom I called to send My word throughout the earth, to have a day of restoration; one day of restoration. Watch Me,” says the Lord, “and it will all change in that one day.” You spoke about the suddenly, Greg – you spoke about the suddenly. “Suddenly it shall happen for you, for you made this place a habitation of God’s word, presence and glory. Suddenly there was the sound of a mighty, rushing wind. Suddenly Moses saw the burning bush. Suddenly the children in Egypt saw the death of their enemies. Suddenly there was a star that led the wise men to Christ.”

God said, “There is about to be a suddenly moment for this nation,” says the Lord. “A change of guard has brought about the focus of Israel. Shall they go back? No! From here I tell you, this shall not happen for I will take every one that puts his foot onto the soil of My Israel and says, ‘you shall return and go back,’ – it shall not happen, for I brought them from the nations throughout the earth to this land and they shall be a people that shall know their God and they shall do exploits. The church in America shall link up and there shall be a unique divine prosperity that shall come to the church and to Israel simultaneously,” says the Lord, “as I break down the power of this force,” says the Lord.

(55:32) “And from Missouri,” listen to me, please. “And from Missouri shall come, and I say this,” says the Spirit of God, “for your enemy came to take not the lives of adults – he came to take children, for he knew and heard the whispers of angels and in standing in the presence of the Godhead, as he stood to accuse Job, he heard the sounds of God. ‘There is a young child that shall become President of the United States from Missouri,’ and he said, ‘I must go to that place and ravish and take this child and throw him up to God in a whirlwind, in a tornado.’ “But he did not find him,” says the Lord. “And for the one, two, three that he took, I will give you back sons of the kingdom in Missouri that shall become preachers. They will have churches that will break down the powers of hell and the spirit of Jezebel shall no longer have a say and a voice in the Midwest,” says the Lord.

SONG: He took a little child out of its cradle, but God said, “Just watch me now.

I’m going take a little child and raise him up to be a voice against your power. Could there be a preacher in the White House, could there be a preacher in the White House? Yes,” says the Lord, “and I’ll do it again. I’ll do it again, and I’ll do it again. You came against a little child in the cradle but I will bring a man who will stand as a king. He will reign over this nation and bring them to righteousness, bring them to righteousness, bring them to righteousness.”

I have sent you prophets that I may multiply vision. You shall see things now that you have been forbidden to see. For it speaks of the mystery for this age and this time and this season to be unfolded and revealed to a people, for the seal to be unlocked.

From St. Louis, MO
May 28, 2011 - St. Louis, MO

Listen – the Spirit of the Lord says, “I’m laying a mantle upon your children. It is the mantle of the prophetic. I’m placing a mantle upon your children and even as I wrapped the mantle around a young man last night, so the Lord’s going to wrap the mantle around your children, and your grandchildren, and your great, great grandchildren,” says the Lord. “I will wrap the mantle around your schools, I will wrap the mantle around your nation, I will wrap the mantle around your kids,” says the Holy One of Israel. “I’m going to take this mantle and I’m going to cause it to go throughout the land and there will be liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. I’ll raise up Isaiah, I’ll raise up Jeremiah, I’ll raise up Ezekiel, I’ll raise up Daniel. I’ll raise them up,” says the Lord. “I’ll even put the Spirit of the Lord upon them like Samson. I’ll raise up strong men and young women that will prophesy. Your nation will be free again, your nation will be free again.” Everyone proclaimed, “my nation will be free again.”

“The Lord clearly says; He says clearly that because of what has happened and because of the death and the life that has been taken so easily, laws will change in this nation because of the states that were torn to pieces by the wind that blew.” For God says, “There is a funnel, literally, and in that funnel I am going to cause not to go up, but to come down. I have prepared something for this nation where certain laws will change. And they will say, ‘Can the president not veto this?’” God says, “There is no one greater than the Lord God Almighty. For the kings to trust in their horses and the strength of numbers is foolishness.” But God says, “There is a remnant of people in this nation that have said, ‘We trust not in horses nor do we trust in chariots but we remember the name of the Lord.’ A nation that forgets its history has no future. And it is you that I’ve called upon, oh Body of Christ, My people, to remind them of the past, to bring it back into existence. The law shall change in favor of the saints of the Most High God; laws will change in favor of the children of the Most High God, and the children of America, and the children of Asia, and the children of Europe.” God says, “I will defend them,” says the Spirit of the Lord, “because this day, I promise you, that I shall stand and I will make the changes so the school systems suddenly will be enhanced and the educational system shall have a change,” says the Lord. “Have you believed Him before, then believe Him now. It’s not the end of your nation, it’s the beginning of the greatest breakthrough that you’ve ever seen. Therefore, let me hear the sound of rejoicing,” says the Lord. Rejoice!


I’m going to send you My light, I’m going to send it in the night

I’m going to hear your prayer tonight, I’m going to hear your praise tonight

Just like Jehoshaphat, I’m going to take your enemies and turn them around

Just like Jehoshaphat, I’m going to take your enemies and turn them around

Turn them around, turn them around, turn them around, turn them around

Send your light, send your light


Let us send wind, destructive wind, oh ancient spirits. Plan. But prophets are prophesying that in the Midwest there shall be open heavens. Shall we go ahead, spirits of the ancient, and send destructive winds? Is this not the fulfillment of prophecy? Yes. Let us plan on wiping out towns; let us even break the arch and mock the gateway to the west. Let us snatch children away, ha.

“But I listened to them,” says the Lord of Hosts. “If you would endeavor to move towards my cities, the states that I have set aside for the most wondrous spiritual rain, if you do this thing,” says the Lord to the spirits of darkness, “I myself will multiply what I planned. If you would endeavor to take one life, I will multiply and take the anointing from this place and I will send arrows out to the ends of the earth.

So the winds came and the Spirit of God watched. It is over.” Now the Lord’s Spirit says, “I shall begin My work.”


I’ve walked the ground, I’ve seen the blood and I stood with you and cried

I’ve heard their cries and I have stood and seen a man,

One so strong, then so weak

I’ve seen them run, legs so strong, then I watched them as their age would come

They would no longer run

I’ve heard the wind, I’ve watched them cry

But now I stand as your supply

And I will come like a mighty rushing wind

And I will come like a mighty rushing wind

Then you’ll hear the sound of triumph in the sound of My voice

And I will come like a mighty rushing wind

And I will come like a mighty rushing wind

And I will come like a mighty rushing wind

And you will hear the cries of those once in pain

Saying, “Lord I can feel your Holy Spirit”

Won’t you come like a mighty rushing wind

Won’t you come like a mighty rushing wind

Come to us, come to us

Won’t you come like a mighty rushing wind

Won’t you come like a mighty rushing wind

We will see the heavens open up, the rain coming down

Won’t you come like a mighty rushing wind

We will see the heavens open up, the rain coming down

Won’t you come, won’t you come to us

And I will send a special wind

As I heard My son pray

Standing at the right hand of the Father

I heard Him say

Father, Father, Father won’t you, won’t you

Send, send a mighty rushing wind to America,

I heard My son, pray

My son said, Father, won’t you forgive them

America is crying out

Won’t you love them

The nations are watching Your nation

Or will they fall, or will they fall

Father, I’m praying for America

Father, I’m praying for their future

Father, I’m praying for the children

Won’t you hear their cry

Won’t you send us a mighty rushing wind

Won’t you come like a mighty rushing wind

We can see the heavens open up, the rain coming down

Come to us

It will begin in the Midwest. I stand as a prophet and I make a declaration. I can feel the wind of the Spirit. I can feel the presence of Almighty God. God will suddenly move in your schools, in your highways, in your byways, in your prisons, in your universities, in your colleges. God is about to come, Spirit come!

Last night, we need to take note of. I know that this pastor and his wife and the leadership of the cities and the churches from the surrounding regions will take the word and of course do major warfare over this word because it is beginning tonight. That one minute that I stood behind the keyboard, I was taken to a whole brand new world. It seemed like I was standing all alone, nobody else with me, and suddenly I heard this wind roaring, coming in. And it’s almost like the Lord was saying it’s not something that’s going to be expected by many – it’s suddenly just going to come, it’s going to be there. Churches crying out saying things are happening that have never happened before, and unusual manifestations are going to begin to take place, unusual revelations, and specifically upon your young kids, your youngsters. So when I prophesied over her, I could feel a lot of you, and also you watching throughout the world and saying, “My God, I wish I could be in that building” – well, you know what, it’s in your house. It’s where you are right now. When God spoke to her, it applies to you as well. In other words, your children can go through the same thing. If you’re having problems with your children, or you have older ones that are rebellious, watch how this whole fresh new move of the Spirit is going to bring them in, and it’s not going to be a religious revival.

You asked me to pray for your child for autism and you said to me, “Kim, you have a gift for children that have autism.” Yes, I do. And I prophesy to those children that you are holding in your house right now, be made whole, be made whole, be made whole, not only by the power of the spoken word but by what God is bringing from the earth. Your child shall be healed. Autism shall be known as a sickness of the past. This is His word.

“Make no mistake,” says the Lord. “I am standing in the midst of your trial in America. I am standing in the midst of your economy, but there are so few that can see Me. But if they do see Me, they will be rescued. If they can see Me in the fire, if they can see Me in their problems – if you can see Me in your crisis,” God says, “I will deliver you just like I delivered Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,” says the Lord.

My thoughts:

Something major is going to happen in the "heartland" of the United States. I understand hearing from some prophets about Kansas City. I got the Holy Ghost feeling when reading the dream. A supernatural explosion I believe. International House of Prayer and other wonderful ministries are here praying daily. What happens in the "heart" land... will explode and land to many areas of the world, IMHOP, like when firecrackers set off.

"Something good is about to happen."

Kansas City

Kansa (kăn'sô) [key],

A key is being given to us to open the door the windows of heaven... blessings will begin to flow out... I believe it. I receive it. In Jesus' Mighty Name, AMEN.


I just feel like something good is about to happen
I just feel like something good is on it's way
He has promised that He'd open all of Heaven
And, brother, it could happen any day
When God's people humble themselves to call on Jesus
And they look to Heaven expecting as they pray
I just feel like something good is about to happen
And, brother, it could be this very day

I have learned in all that happens, just to praise Him
For I know He's working all things for my good
Every tear I shed is worth all the investment
For I know He'll see me through, He said He would
Yes I've noticed all the bad news in the paper
And it seems like things get bleaker everyday
But for this child of God it makes no difference
Because it's bound to get better either way

I just feel like something good is about to happen
I just feel like something good is on it's way
He has promised that He'd open all of Heaven
And, brother, it could happen any day
I've never been more thrilled about tomorrow
Sunshine's always bursting through skies of gray
I just feel like something good is about to happen
And, brother, it could be
Better watch and pray
What if it could be this very day


I just read online that on October 30th, 2011, a Kansas Grain Elevator Blasted. A fireball shot up high into the sky and could see seen from a distance.

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Post by iluvyahweh »

Many Thanks for this Pearls. There's a lot in your post, and it will take me time to digest it all.

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Re: The Portal, the Fireball, and the explosion in Kansas CI

Post by Warrior Princess »

Wow, this is an amazing dream! I cannot believe you had this dream! Let me explain...I'm near KC and this is so right on. Let me take it line by line...

I think you are seeing the condition of much of the church at this time, it looks like "Rome" because of so much pagan tradition vs the original Hebrew system of worship instituted by Yahweh, and it is in need of light. It's about convenience (food available in the pool) and sacrifice rather than obedience (red leather, leather comes animals which were sacrificed as coverings, red heifers were sacrificed in the temple, so I think this is about sacrifice just to make sure we're "covered" rather than sacrifice). Everybody can swim freestyle there, can worship how they want, relationship to God is on their own terms, deciding what is right in their own eyes. But YOU are going DEEP.

The ancient doors/library/museum I believe are about the ancient paths, and that room is about coming revelation on God's original plan for the structure of the church. The moon shining full represents the time of the bride of Christ coming to fullness, at her brightest in the darkest time in history. This is the time of the prophets (large windows). I think the portal indicates a change/new season. We know from scripture that time seems to speed up in these last days, but I think it also indicates a "quantum leap," a sudden leap forward in time and events related to the coming "Millennium." Things are farther along than we realize I think and I think we're about to hit warp speed.

Now, I have had similar dreams about meteors hitting our region. I know you said it crossed the Atlantic, is there anything more you can tell about it? Like where it came from or? There's definitely an explosion coming here that is about to happen that is going to reach the entire earth. I think Africa and Europe represent spiritual darkness (Africa used to be called the Dark Continent), tradition (Europe's nickname is the Old Continent) and religious systems (Libya is Muslim) that will be affected as a result. Blue and white are the colors of Israel, so I believe this "movement" is the spirit filled (water/bubbles) Hebraic Roots movement.

Now here's the amazing part...I am part of a spirit filled Hebrew Roots fellowship here and we are getting ready to launch on a major Christian television network, I believe Daystar, which would fit with the meteors. We are a small fellowship and have a lot of stuff on You Tube and the website and Facebook and are #1 on podomatic, how weird is that. Already have people coming to visit from all over the world, but we've been told to prepare for what you saw at the end of your dream, a massive flood of people from all over the world.

I am amazed at how many people are having dreams about going back to the Hebrew roots, even on this board. From what we're seeing, it is going to change the map, just like in your dream.

Pearl's thanks for sharing Kim's prophecies about our region, I was at that meeting and it was powerful. Interesting how that fits!

Here's the website:

WOW! Thanks for sharing this.

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Post by imavessel »

Well, this was quite interesting for me also. & I really saw as a God move, perhaps from Kansas City out. Made me think of IHOP and all of the youths and young adults, especially, that have prayed and prayed and prayed and called out to God for their nation and the world . . .

Skipping to Africa, it was predominently the youths that started rising up. In Tunisia, (left of Libya) uprising began after a young man, tired of the establishment and the forever way of the deep deep division between the "classes" -------- where the rich got richer on the back of the impoverished . . . . Anyway, he put out a rap song, that exploded that nation. Young and old alike used it chanting until the peaceful protests had gotten so big that things erupted.

It moved from there to Egypt and other, then Libya----and we all know how that went . . . .

I have heard the prophesies of Kim Clement as well as others ab out the youths of not just one nation, but of the world will rise, not wanting what they see, and wanting REAL.

The northern Africa also caught my attention because of what you saw. & Though the people who have stepped up are declaring regulations etc. based on Sharia (probably not spelling right) -----
there is a mass amount of people there that do not want to go backwards, . . . but want to have freedom and liberty and things that often times, we, over here might take for granted.

I do not see things going same old same old there.

& Oddly enough I was set to go to Libya but it was shortly after the uprising started. I got an opportunity out of nowhere to be part of a small export company that specializes in getting Libya and other countries there American made goods. The uprising happened and I never went. But the door to export is opening back up to us now and I truly fully expect at some point in the future, I will take that trip.

I had a word last week while in intercession. He said:

You think too small. (the church as a whole) You think too small. You concentrate on yourselves and your lives or your area. There is a call, a call to ALL the children, . . .there is a call . . . You think too small Your think too small. (something to that effect) Anyway, while this was in my head, I saw things and heard things. I thought of "Muslims" & "Hindus" I saw Red Square (Russia)- I saw China. I heard "Budapest" (Hungary) I saw or thought (don't remember now) Australia, I saw African children . . . & I thought of the Middle East.

He said He would pour out His Spirit onto ALL FLESH. He did not say how. But it does seem He is raising up a generation that is not satisfied with what they see. They have the world at their feet and all the bells and whistles but there is a cry from the inside that God ignites. & Many of these, will come to God and never go back. Many of these will be like one person explosions all of their own. They will have the energy and the passion to run full steam ahead and their exuberence with be the catalyst that lights many more on fire . . .

They will see no color no boundaries set before them. They will run like wild horses on quest with great thirst for everything He is and has. & We will see many miraculous things again, like a world set ablaze with signs and wonders.

Wow, well wasn't planning on all that. Anyway, wow, very interesting dream!
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Post by ~Jean~ »

There is also the World Revival Church with Steve and Kathy Gray there in Kansas City, MO.

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Post by Warrior Princess »

Oh, I forgot to mention, Kansas City's nickname is the "Heartland of America," so I'm seeing this not so much as the literal city and more symbolic of the region of the Midwest as Kim Clement mentioned as well.

And I think the "ancient paths" is a reference to the Hebrew roots.
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Post by Jehu »

An early prophesy of Bob Jones involved a Comet that had previously been undiscovered by science.

I believe that those given to night and day prayer in Kansas City have been waiting on something. Bob Jones said years ago that one day Church would be in the bars.
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Post by iluvyahweh »

Wow, thanks everyone for the insight & for taking the time to share so much. It will take me years to read all this, and i feel really blessed!

Jehu - do you have any more insight /details on that Bob Jones prophecy?

Re Kansas City, I did think that it may be connected with IHOP, as I've been over to IHOP a few times, and travelled with them to Israel.

Blessings everyone.

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Post by Jehu »

Personally, what I got was that you are going to experience a key that will be a catalyst for the awakening they have been praying for. Your dream is connecting your experience in Edinborough(yikes) with IHOP. I have watched this think in Kansas since the early nineties. I think they are groaning in a dry place. They did have some staggering confirmations early on, that is why they can hold on. I would feel honored to have the dream you had.
"For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee."
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Post by ~Jean~ »

In reference to what Jehu mentioned about what Bob Jones said about there will be meetings in bars in the future...I had a dream to this affect. The bar had been closed down, lots of things were closed down and yet there were meetings springing up in such places. Meetings which were being held in secret.

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Post by Warrior Princess »

We do church in bars already. =)
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Post by jeff »

A friend of mine pastors a church in a bar. Church motto is:
"Come as you are, we meet in a bar."
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Post by ~Jean~ »

Amazing this is already happening...glory be to God!

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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

Kim Cement has s aid something about a unusae ight coming for the Christmas season.
On a Tak show in the eary saturday morning somebody reported some strange ights i think in Rhode Isand..of course they were thinking UFOS.. :roll: