Allowed to see into Syria before the war?

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Allowed to see into Syria before the war?

Post by Determined2Grow »

Praise Him!!

I had this dream sometime back in 2006.
I dreamt that I was on this school bus and there was a row of school buses lined up one next to each other side by side, and we were facing the Nation of Syria and what seperated the USA from Syria was the fact that the USA was on muddy ground.

I tell a co-worker that I had to go get my son and take him home and they warned me not to go because there was so much fear and terror because of war. They told me 3 things to watch out for. (I can't remember the last one) but One of them was not to leave the area to go home. I told them that I would not let terror/fear keeping from getting my son and taking him home.

I stepped off the bus and the nation of Syria was facing us(USA) and I could see Syrian men getting ready to go to war and that because of this, poverty had increased and the children( a lot of children) were very poor to the point that parents were giving their daughters to marry soldiers so that the soldiers would give their daughters a piece of clothing(this was a luxury and the dowry price)I was facing them and could see so many children half dressed or with only one piece of clothing.

Facing Syria I could see a neighboring nation to my left that was connected to Syria that was going to war with them and I believe we(USA) was going to war against them but Syria had help from a neighboring country. I know that in this ,,3 nations would be involved as the main nations.

It was as if Syria was right across the path from where I stood. I could see everything from where I was standing and I stepped down from the bus but instead of stepping into the muddy ground I landed on the back of oxens. The row of oxen is what the row of buses sat upon (in other words the row of buses had no tires and they rested on the backs of the row of oxen). The oxen stood in the muddy ground supporting the buses. So I stepped on the back of each oxen and crossed over on the back of each oxen until I reached the point where I could step down unto the ground. These oxen were sturdy and strong because each bus sat or rested upon the back of an oxen. I didn't expect to see oxen when I stepped down off the bus.

I went to go get my son to take him home and I noticed he has to use the bathroom so we hurry because of this and I walk down a path to go home and I notice the street to my house is long, muddy and barely any light on this street, so I get a good look at the street taking in every detail by memory and I notice when I get ready to go down the street I first come to an invisable gateway/entrance where 2 gaurds and these gaurds are female young girls and they are identical twins and have blonde long flowing hair and they are pale and white and have on dresses that were very soft material. They look very strange to me so I walk past them to the path and it is very muddy. I start to run to my house holding on to my sons hand, my son has to go to the bathroom real bad and he is slipping and falling because of the mud but I hold on to him tight and keep running towards the house. I just got to make it to my house. One of the pale girls tell me as I run that I should not have come down this path and without looking back I ask why and she says because "my" angels are not with me and I do not look back because I remember that the Second thing my coworkers warn me is "not" to look back once I start the journey home.

My son looks back as I am carrying him and a demon behind us manifest and tries to snatch my son from my arms and my son lets out a scream of terror and fear that I had never heard before and this demon is trying to snatch and grab him but I hold on to him and begin to rebuke this demon and command him to loose his grip. I was not scared but I know that in order to stay strong and have authority that I had to keep moving forward and not look back. I felt the demon loose its grip as continued to command it to do so but....

I realize I am dreaming and wake up "for real" out of this dream wrestling with this same spirit commanding it to loose my waist area and it does so without any struggle and I feel it leave the house. I am puzzled at the dream and shrug it off as being something that is really nothing and probably a trick of the enemy. BUT...I doze back off into sleep again.

I am back in the same dream but this time the scene has changed. I am going to my sons school to pick him and I run into an Elder of a church I used to attend.This person was an assistant pastor & was in the military. Well we meet up and I am surprised that he is still in the military (he shoud already be retired) thinking to myself that I thought he was supposed to be retiring. I tell him about the dream that I just had and he is really concerned by it and ask me was the name of the nation Assyria and I correct him and tell him no not Assyria but Syria and he says are you sure and I say yes. I watch him walk across the street to his house surprised again that he lives that close to the school.

I go home with my son and get into bed to go to sleep( me and my son both) and my bed is located int he living room and I fall asleep and this same Elder comes to my house and I am awakened by my daughter to tell me this Elder wants to speak to me. I was not expecting him to come to my house but I notice my house is not dirty but some things needed to be picked up and I am self conscious of this because I would have straightened up more in the house, so I hope he does not judge me for it. He asks me more questions about it and I told him I drew a drawing of what I saw and I showed it to him and on the paper is 3 oval shape circles and some stick figures on the paper and he asked me what did the oval shape cirlces mean and I told him that those were the 3 nations invovled.
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Post by imavessel »

Well, Syria and Iran came out together some time back, as an alliance. Most of the arab nations have not been "with" Iran on much of anything.

Iran, of course, has been staunch that the U.S. is evil----- and that we should be wipted from the earth . . .

Much much is going on in the entire region now, but Syria particularly has been in the region.

We, besides being in Afganastan, have been in Iraq----which sits between Syria and Iran for some time.

(Iraq came to mind because you felt you were standing just over from Syria itself. )

& In a way, some, thinking we should have never been there, while others have thought we had to help rebuild, etc. and help lead to them having shot at decent life, etc., . . . much about the U.S. there has seemed like "muddy ground".

It has been prophesied by believers and also spoken about by believers and non-believers alike that Syria and Iran WILL bind together, long before they publically did, professing their alliance and "agreement" to work together and their intense dislike for the U.S. and U.S. government.

& The turmoil and things going on in Syria right now . . .

I would say very much a snapshot GOd gave you long before it escalated to this point.

However, I believe that none of this has escaped God's view.

I believe He always knew what each man or woman would do with the will He gave us.

He is not afraid, nor should we be.

The interesting thing is that it almost seems that at le3ast some of the people were in a mindset that the U.S. / military was a good thing------even giving their daughters for a better life and desperate for the little that the soldiers could give them . . .

Certainly worth praying about, for all of us. Please let us know how you feel led to pray, since it was you He gave the dream to.

& Timing-wise, the Holy Spirit brings all things into rememberance . . . so trust there is a reason that this has come to the forefront of your mind.

You desperate to bring your "son" home, and determined, has been the way many a mother has felt about their sons/daughters being over there in harms way---feeling it's been long enough. The demon trying to get ahold of him, which we all know would only be for destruction, is certainly the same kind of spirit that would love to wipe us ------ or all our troops out.

Now whether or not your own son irl is somehow in a special danger . . . ? . . . war or no war . . .

Nor do I know how old your son is irl---------------- is he nearing or at an age he could be drafted?

Because if all out war is something we were involved with, they most certainly would go back to that.
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Post by imavessel »

Know this though, too------- I would see much more than Syria and Iran banding together to do something to Iraq, . . . Syrian and Iran banding together to do something to Israel. & The U.S. is already "muddled" togeher in that.

Iraq could be effected, well the whole region and also the world is effected . . .

But that I would see more as people feeling Syria, and the unfortunate geographic local of being sandwiched between the two countries.
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Post by imavessel »

Was reminded of your dream when I pulled up Al Jazeera and one of the headlines were: "Counting Syria's Dead".

Will read that article and re-read your post.

Hope you are well!
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Post by Determined2Grow »

Thank you for posting "imavessel"

I will conintue to pray for God to reveal what He wants me to see. My prayer is that we will not go lto war. Maybe this is a dream that can be changed through intercession *just a thought*! :?:
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Re: Allowed to see into Syria before the war?

Post by Warrior Princess »

Syria is symbolic, it has been in my dreams since last April and I have gotten a lot of word/scripture on it.

School bus indicates a time of preparation...

We're coming into a time where we are about to experiences the consequences of compromise. Lukewarmness will only get us spewed from his mouth.

Fear isn't a part of us, rather we will be walking out our destinies and callings. Don't be afraid to step out and into what he is calling you to do!

Could daughters being given in marriage for a price/provision be something like in the days of Noah when the sons of god (demons) had relations with human females producing the "nephilim" (the giants, some believe they became the greek gods of mythology)? There are apparently some writings that indicate that in exchange for the daughters of men, these demons gave humans occult knowledge. So it seems you are being shown that in compromising and selling out to the world's system for money and things, etc, we have really made a deal with demonic forces just like in that day and that this is the current spiritual state of the USA. I would call that a fulfillment of the prophecy that Scripture states that the end of the age will be "as the days of Noah."

More later if it comes to me...
~Warrior Princess
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Post by Determined2Grow »

@ Warrior Princess...... Thank you for responding....
School bus indicates a time of preparation...
Could the row of school buses mean....preparation one after the other? There was a row of school buses on top of the backs of a row of oxen.

Why is the oxen feet in the mud (This was on U.S. soil)

Why would buses with no wheels sit on the back of oxen :?: .... (pondering this thought :idea: )
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »

Kim clement had a word about Sria and Iran.. It Seemed to me God isent happy with them. Check it out on the elijhas list.

Of course Syria may be a symbolic meaning in ur dream. Do u feel and sesne its a symbol reflecting you rown struggles or think it may be more literial.

The girls in white i thought were angels at first ... they seemed to need angels so they could represent the Bride of Christ.. intercessors possibly.
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Post by Determined2Grow »

@ Jewels....thank you for responding! You have definately given me some things to think about. :D

It's something that you mentioned Kim Clement....Last night I stumbed upon one of his first t.v. appearences in 1996...he was prophesying about a new level in revival that would come....not another revivial...but a new dimension in revival.

I will check out his site elijhas list. To your question....I beleive that during that time of war I would be dealing with my own struggle. I don't know if it makes
I beleive that it may be far as events taking place with the U.S. and Syria....and a symbol of what I will be dealing with at "that" time. :idea: Maybe....instructions on what I will need to do.

@imavessal.....I will look into the article..."Counting Syria's Dead".....recently I have been trying to follow what is going on over there.......thank you!
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Post by Determined2Grow »

Prophecy by: Kim Clement 12/1/2011

From The Garden (Iran and Syria)
December 1, 2011 - From The Garden (Iran and Syria)

Regarding Iran and Syria: Woe to those who make unjust laws and to those who issue oppressive decrees. What have you done, depriving the poor of their rights and withholding justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows your prey, raping young women and robbing the fatherless? What are you going to do in the day of reckoning when disaster comes from afar? To whom are you going to run for help? Where are you going to leave your riches? Nothing will remain but to cringe among the captives and fall among the slain. Yet for all of this, my hand shall be upraised; judgment against you. Woe to you, Iran. Woe to you, Syria. The rod of my anger in whose hand is the club of My wrath – you would run? You would flee to another godless nation? Watch – I will dispatch you against the people who anger Me. What would you do to seize the money, to seize the treasure, and to snatch the plunder and then to run? Where will you run to? Where will you go? Would you run and seize all the images? Would you seize the idols and run? I will punish the kings of Iran and Syria and others for the willful pride of your hearts and the haughty looks in your eyes. God says, “By the strength of My hand I will do this. By My wisdom, because I have understanding. I will remove the boundaries of these nations. I will plunder their treasures like a mighty one, like I did before as I subdued kings.” Therefore God Almighty says, “Your own warriors who were once sturdy, I will send a spirit of division, a wasting disease if necessary, but the light of Israel will become a fire, the Holy One a flame.”

And Israel, what about you? Have I not already spoken at the remnant? The survivors will not rely on any other nations. They are self-reliant, for they rely on the Lord, the Holy One of Israel. A remnant has returned, and they’ve returned to the mighty God, and though the people be like the sand by the sea, Israel – just a remnant – will stand up and watch the destruction of these that would come against them.

Therefore, this is what God says: “My people who live in Israel, who live in Zion, do not be afraid of Iran, do not be afraid of Syria, do not be afraid of Russia. Do not be afraid of these nations who try and beat you with a rod and lift up their hands against you as Egypt has endeavored to and will.” But God says, “My anger against them will end this destruction. I will lash them with a whip, like I did before.” This is the word of the Lord.
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Post by Determined2Grow »

Prophecy by Kim Clement in 2011:

Syria and Iran – what’s happening? Before I read this scripture to you, I saw – and this is exactly what God said to me – “I’m going to take Syria and Iran and bump their heads together and smash their heads together.” And what I saw was God setting ambushments against them. In other words, they will rise up together and they will plan together and they will try something very, very unusual and unique. And God says, “In the process, I’m going to bump their heads together – not bump, He’s going to smash their heads together, which
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Post by Jewels-inhisheart »